Friday, August 15, 2008

I'll rock it in london style

Keep holding on
because you'd never know if you could trust others

hey earthlings' !
Pn sujahta somehow made us stand for half an hour when she started blabbing all those useless stuff which she'd been repeating the whole week and which i dint even care to pay attention at . And since choir was like 2 hours and i went straight to assembly after that so that made me stand for 150 minutes? -___- That made sense why my leg was super soar .

Pn lau which gave us like pages of homework last minute right after the bell rang . Kacau lahh cikgu nee , orang holiday ada homework pulak , yish (LOL i know my BM somehow sucks) . Did anyone watch 'keeping up with the kardiasians' just know , the scene was so mean with those major fight they had .

Right after the last bell rang , everybody stood up looking feed ed up with teacher's blabbing and just went of the main door . Some students was screaming , splashing water , fighting and we cam whore =DD

ling ling , mega boob's , jojonee , sai ban ban , itik hitam , orang jepun , dao gei

we once loved-trust-fight-argue-hug-partaayy-dance-scream-share in past and will do in future

we've made it this far together (:

mega boob's who makes me laugh

random picture with kok fei

so called magnificent zen bon claim that he's way cooler than kok fei lol

foursome !
* if your imagine where's the fourth , well she just to short to be seen HAHA! *

SLR <3>

I guess i would stop here cause its late and i got my first class at 9 a.m. O.O there goes my eye bags which is popping out so obviously now . Till than , nights xoxo !

by the way ,


turning to : baby i love you - first lady

1 comment:

Bunny. said...