Sunday, February 1, 2009

CNY Gathering (:

Finally a meet up after one whole month of school
How was it ?
i say , AWESOME .


Went to sy's house on the 30th for a cny gathering & it turns out unexpectedly fun ;) Finally get to see lydia & jillyan again since they changed to some other school already . We gamble & drink ALOT . Obviously , JIN was totally drunk but still conscious , hahaha everything was sooo funny ( inside joke ) We were all so hyped up for some reason & cant stop laughing :D After that , we felt like taking photo's so snap snap snap !

wait , so which way to Ru Wen's house ?
Evening we went for ru wen's open house which a little girl made us laugh our ass off . Seriously she's so cute but really really scary . After we chat a little down stairs , we went up to gamble again . Its Chinese new year , what else can you do ? Than around 11 , we went down for our dinner or should we say supper ? I was really hungry back than , :D maybe cause i laugh too much . Wait it doesn't connect right ? Whatever lah haha !

eh chin kuk your on the phone :D

hong join us .

sri sedaya . seafield . ACE . ACE .

i got dao gai ngan . Damnit .

renee says WOFF !
lydia *snores*

the " lala's "

hong & jin not satisfied they lose money hahahah xD

weiminn screams im the tallest among all !

the best friend .

piture perfect at a kodak moment .

Once upon a time (:

p/s - school starts tomorrow !
p/p/s - velantimes is coming :D
p/p/p/s - 15 days till FEBRUARU TEST !

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