Saturday, July 4, 2009

Black or White.

This should stop.
No more crazy updates anymore.
This would be the last.
Its just simply pointless ..
usy, busy day. ;
updated 040709

You think for a moment that,
I care now for what you think of me.
I pity you,
The day has long past,
Then I cared of what you think of me,
I am now worth your thoughts,
That you and the rest of the world think.
Think that they know me and have the right to judge me,
Think that I care for your thoughts.
I am done trying to please you and the rest of the world,
Pleasing you and them,
Its suppose to have made me happy.
But sadly i am awake.
Trying to please u and them makes me sickly.
How easy it is for you to never imagine that I had problems,
Well what did you think?
Pretty little doll perfectly dressed could not be flawed.
How funny it must be,
To finally remove the layers of fluff,
And see that I am flawed,
I am human.
I make mistakes.
And somehow I thought that I was entitled to a few.
Before you start pointing fingers at me,
Make sure your perfectly prefect to do so.
No mistakes ever made.
Or is it that because,
Your mistakes are hidden well beneath this rat cage of our society,
That my mistakes seem to be so hard for you to take.
Am I not to stumble and fall?
Am i not to make any mistakes?
I grew up,
Pity you didn't notice me,
I seen things that no one would ever believe.
I am now hurting and you don't see my pain.
All you see is your anger,
so you say good bye,
And so do I.
Now the urge to would pray for death,
Consumes me,
But I will resist.
I am not going to give you the pleasure of looking upon me in pity and anger,
With a glass in the hands of you,
And the rest of the world.
No one is drinking at my funeral just yet.
I think that for this,
I will hold fast and pray to live,
I will live to raise my glass in salute to all of you haters,
And look down on you in your coffin,
and ask God,
To help your soul fly.
So there all you haters,
Even I,
Will live to conquer and pray for you.
p/s- not particularly pointing to you, or anybody either. Haha.

See you in my ghost house.

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