went coundown wiv all my hawt n sexy ppl
see yee,wei minn,jocelyn,simone,zhen ying,lydia
bryan,gustine,ah giaw,er vyn,jayhan,daniel,leslie,seng kiat,jun jie*i think*,vincent,james
we first went to add on to find tzia tzia
so when we went thr i was the only one who said hi to her and say said hi to me only LOL
den sk called said dat they are at bowling
den v dint decided to go so v just lay around at starbucks
Starbucks coffee
candid by see yee

me n see yeeeeeee
den seng kiat called and ask us to go bowling
so went up there lo
bt v went to toilet first tee hee
walk half way saw infinite =.=
accualy normal dayz i wanna see them
but today cuz *got something la xD *so i was HOPING not to see dem
we went to bowling aperently dey wasn't lyk doing anything thr
so me and lollipop went out
btw on the way out we saw shing queen and kah see *for ppl hu dunno eh-hem ask gb la*
owhya u see this couple ---

that guy arh his hair arh reli arh OMG weih lyk kena bom be4 neee
later on zhen ying called that she was at pyramit
so we went and find her and ofcurse get ready for countdown
here's some shot's before the fireworks came out
bryan guo bin and zy hand xD

daniel feel shy awww lol
er vyn vincent simone and zhen ying
n n n u shud see simone shirt banyak chun weih
couples for the celebration

eh er vyn many kacau la u
simone and vincent

and ofcurse lydia dan ah giaw
people say couples who watch fireworks together are lovely couples =)
well this two are the only foto i got for the fireworks

after the fireworks everybody went out
well v was stuck outside cuz everybody was thinking bout the transportation problems
seng kiat mum only can fetch lyk 3 person
and thr was 9 person who dont hav transport
we was look ouside but after awhile the gaurd let us in but he said
" u guyz mesti straight keluar to the exit "
OKYE well v said ok but v sat on the lorenso chair xD
den gb and bryan sat seng kiat car
so v remain sesat-ed in the pyramit
on the way bac to main entrence
jay han briggin sexy bac
was reli reli busy so no time layan the camera
gt time de pose first pose first xD
after lyk 20 minits bryan and gb came bac to pyramit
dey say he dint wan to sit sk car bt by dat time jayhan edi left
but den v still dun hav transport so gb say stay hotel
but nobody brought IC so that was imposible de la
they are back xD
sexy backs

random shot LOL wt was i doing weih
btw i was trying to avoid shawn la mana tau he sudd apear infront of me =.=
so i terpaksa face it xD bt nvm its nice to finaly meet him =)
den den den my daddy came to rescue he came n fetch me
and i fetch dem all bac to daniel's hse
im the hero so respect me people xD jk la
that night was a perfect night saw all my kawan baik and my ex
it was wonderfull
and jayhan cheer up la u will find sumone better =)
well happy new year everybody
have a blessed and wondefull 2008