Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
1. Real name : Renee Tok Shin Yee
4. Male or female : female
5. High school : seafield
6. College : not planning on that yet
7. Short or long hair : longgg!
8. Are you a health freak? : not that much ;D
9. Height : 158 =D well im proud of my height xD
10. Do u have a crush on someone :emm yeshhh ?!
11. Do u like yourself? : lyk absalutely la XD
12. Piercings : 4 [two on each ear]
13. Righty or lefty : both =D
14. Surgery : hmm . once on my leg =X
15. Piercings : yes totaly XD
16. Person you see in the morning : my phone =D
17. Award : hmmm. dancing ?
18. Sport you joined : basketball , swimming , squash
19. First pet : dont like animals
21. Concert : JAY CHOU!!!
23. Eating : nothing
24. Drinking : nothing =B
26. Want kids : ofcourse =D
27. Want to get married : yup.
28. Careers in mind :deal with marine
29. Lips or eyes : lips ! sexy xD
30. Hugs or kisses : Hugs
31. Shorter or taller : taller !
33. Sensitive or loud : both x)
34. Trouble maker or hesitant : Bothhhh :D
35. Kissed a stranger : let me see NOOO!
40. Liked someone older : Duhhhh !! well that's a stupid question xD
42. Been arrested? : by dicipline teacher's ? yeah ! everyday x)
43. Cried when someone died : yeahhhh ):
44. Liked a friend? : nope i LOVE them =D
45. Yourself? : ofcurse
46. Miracles : at this step not really
49. Angels : yup =)
51. Do you believe in God... : ofcourse ! i LOVE GOD =)
52. Tag 5 people :
-anyone will do =D
Hello ,
i've been pin-ing up my hair like that to school since i kena that surat amaran for colouring my hair
well i dint give back that surat cause my friend burn it right after i got it
shot 4
yes yes and the guys enjoyed the whole moment very much
so freaking much people was looking but they dint care at all
wth right xD
then we went catch up to buy clothes
yes it was super peverd indead
the guys took shirt's with porn thing on it
suddenly O.O felix from battle ground came in
we look at him
every single step he move we were staring
yes eight of us bought tee from catch up
me and lydia *warning lesbian with atituid*
see yee

*shu ying *
* shit happens *
after the movie some of them went back cause the rain suddenly stop and lim chung shout back for traning
so it left 4 of us
we went to sushi king
four of us went there but only two of them was eating

i was smsing and my tears suddenly roll down what the fuck =.=
saturday turn out that there was no band
then me jillyan and wen zhi sat at bsb court looking at cheer ppl
well we were talking bout them la xD
no ofence but u guys should do more complicated dance
and ofcurse 3 of us were dancer's
just to say that not only cheerleeder's and dance xD
so we went jo's hse
she had 3 dog's
and since i was affraid of dogs i sit on the chair not moving the whole time @@
the house dog name blackie
bobo and there another dog name baby =D
she loves her dog =D
after that me , leslei and jeffrey went to jillyan house and we watched shutter
O.O it was scary xD
but thankyou for teman i wasnt that scared =D
oh oh
happy esther sunday to all christian =D
4 days of church
holy thrusday, good friday, *baptism* on saturday, esther sunday
i love you GOD =D
and i found this
nuby nerds xD
it's a comman word u'll hear from the afternoon section ppl
especially us la =B
signing off now ,
turning on to - bleeding love
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Hello ,
went to simone house bacause she was the one fecthing us there
lydia came a few moments after i reached
half way up genting we had lunch at gohting jaya
we went up there quite late accualy

me and simone leong

half way up i was really sleepy cause the weather was supper cold

so now u understand it's S-U-P-E-R cold XD
i dint expect it that cold cause last time when i went up it was HOT !
waiting for simone's dad to get the room
then we check in at highland hotel around 3 something

the guys room

the girls room
but it dint really end up like that la
we ended up guys and girls sleeping together XD.

so we waited and waited for the king to arrived =D

meet the new 'dai ka jie' jocelyn tan hui yi


see yee. renee

then we went to miss whatever cause lydia wanted to buy her pencil case
when they were there me and jo went o watch a runway show

we past by the lim gohtong musiem
so we masuk la

the boss of genting highland
they were finding the *words* that qing xian wrote to his ex xD
thankyou so much for building this place xDD
lydia felt hungry so we ate some finger food

i mean some reli EXPANSIVE finger food
that small thing cost OMG O.o

6.50 @@

we walked back the room in a wether like this O.O
we ss-ed in the room during night time xD
beware warning xD this picture are seriously perverd hahaha

leslei . james . lester .

more gay's

qing xian and renee

sheng yang and james
who won the poser competition xD

yes james tak perlu berlagak


white v.s black

lydia . qing xian . renee.

qing xian dan see yee . the black beauties . perfect kan ? xD

Genting the art of entertament =D
the guys joined us after that
titanic weeeeee ~
james , jocelyn , lydia , leslei . see yee . renee , kian hong
oppps !! qing xian luckily your still alive xD

LOL busy on the phone XD
the funniest sentence was 'you die, i die, we die, bye bye ' xD
we masuk team park
the lovely cpl =D
it was super cold
even qing xian need a jacket xD
honestly he looked gay in this
once again qing xian spoulte our beautiful picta XD
balik hotel dan buat ap lagi
day 2
we woke up around 11 something and decided to go team park
we got the ticket for 19 bucks only
cheap right xD
creadits to james and vincent cause the parents were working there
at the team park i never wanted to played anything cause i was scare
yup i was SCARE xD
but they insist me to play so i just go for it
everything was super scary xD
especially the emm i dont know the name la
it goes up until the sky and falls down @@
i was scared till tak da suara keluar weih xD
but i really feel like turning and slap qing xian
i was super scared bt wht he did?
mashroom farm mashroom farm -.=
i was looking for the mashroom farm xD
but i dun think there is one at genting
at night we prank call ppl at the phone boof xD
hope u guys dint mind it was james idea =B
great the last day TT
qx leslei see yee and jocelyn went home early
so left 6 of us
we went team park with yeterdays band =X
i almost got caught but LUCKILY i dint XD
it was totaly scary and i totally freak out =P
went home around 9 something at night
sorry that the 2 and 3 day wasnt the detail xD
konon la seafield skrang byk homework kan ?
so takde masa la xD
toodles gtg for now =D