Hello ,
i've been pin-ing up my hair like that to school since i kena that surat amaran for colouring my hair
well i dint give back that surat cause my friend burn it right after i got it
shot 4
yes yes and the guys enjoyed the whole moment very much
so freaking much people was looking but they dint care at all
wth right xD
then we went catch up to buy clothes
yes it was super peverd indead
the guys took shirt's with porn thing on it
suddenly O.O felix from battle ground came in
we look at him
every single step he move we were staring
yes eight of us bought tee from catch up
me and lydia *warning lesbian with atituid*
see yee

*shu ying *
* shit happens *
after the movie some of them went back cause the rain suddenly stop and lim chung shout back for traning
so it left 4 of us
we went to sushi king
four of us went there but only two of them was eating

i was smsing and my tears suddenly roll down what the fuck =.=
saturday turn out that there was no band
then me jillyan and wen zhi sat at bsb court looking at cheer ppl
well we were talking bout them la xD
no ofence but u guys should do more complicated dance
and ofcurse 3 of us were dancer's
just to say that not only cheerleeder's and dance xD
so we went jo's hse
she had 3 dog's
and since i was affraid of dogs i sit on the chair not moving the whole time @@
the house dog name blackie
bobo and there another dog name baby =D
she loves her dog =D
after that me , leslei and jeffrey went to jillyan house and we watched shutter
O.O it was scary xD
but thankyou for teman i wasnt that scared =D
oh oh
happy esther sunday to all christian =D
4 days of church
holy thrusday, good friday, *baptism* on saturday, esther sunday
i love you GOD =D
and i found this
nuby nerds xD
it's a comman word u'll hear from the afternoon section ppl
especially us la =B
signing off now ,
turning on to - bleeding love
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