Check out my really successful DSLR skills :D ( top 4 pic only btw )
Since everyone of you knows that I'm the laziest blogger on earth, I'll just post up pictures kay? 

STM pre-confirmation camp '09 was awesome !!
This camp is conducted for our confirmation next year, its to understand God better and of course prepare us for confirmation. Many of you wont know what confirmation. So whats confirmation? Its a certificate for all Christians/Catholic to get married in church in the future. Its compulsory. Enough of explanation, lets get into camp detail :D

When we got there and after we settled down, we went down for dinner. GUESS WHAT? There was no electricity. It was so hot plus the super hot weather now a days, everyone was going to faint by than . But the fun part is, we got a chance to have a candle light dinner. Everyone had fun walking/running around in the dark & banging each other.
While those immature guys run around topless, we girls as usual took pictures :D

rise and shine . Shine ? Its freaking 6 in the morning. I have major eye bags :(
Between sections , we had lunch and we headed down the field to snap a few pictures, when i say a few, err.. yeah, take a look for yourself.
guess who I'm imitating ?
joanne guan guan (:
so can you guess ?
Louis !

Rachel wanna rock
Renee decided to rock too :D
But Malanie just wanted to be like Paris Hilton.
somehow, joanne dint want to be Paris Hilton .
so did Rachel .
So, joanne decide to be cute :D
rachel joined her too :D
we decided to head down and get some pictures.
The Indian Dance.
joanne was so happy that she get to stand infront.
than louis came along and wanted to stand infront .
trenton was freak out by both of them arguing , he ran away.
By the way, he's the guy behind your milo box ! Screams! & he's super hot :DDDD 
joanne stand strong and push louis to the back of the line.
look at her happy face haha :D
seriously wegave up by than because no one was cooperating lol
But at last we finally got it !
After we succefull got the perfect picture, we wanted more.
We went to the tree nearby .
amylia wanted to be carry , so louis did the honour.
Don't they look cute together ? *winks*
sean was jealos that they looked so cute, & he wanted to be part of it too lol.

shot 2 was another success. We decided to take more .
So, we did the usual one, JUMPING !
sean wanted to be the centre of attention .

okay , we failed badly this time. All we did was laugh laugh laugh. Sean told us to run because it'll look good in pictures.
"run , baby , run !
don't ever look back ."
renee : i said don't look back right !
sean : No must U- turn ! lol.
Another picture failed. Since we kept failing, we went back up to chill .
Sean took the flower from rachel & joanne
He was so curious because he'd never seen anything like that before.
When he knew it was a flower, he heartlessly threw it on the floor saying :
Chech , flower only ma "
sean was so happy the flower was gone lol
luois felt pity for the flower, so he pick it up and tuck it on his ear
than he decided , it was too girly .
So he did this claming it was so MANLY.
Sean did the evil laugh claiming louis is retarded . LOL.

Look at the cups . Awesome right hahaha.
The whole worls knows that i'm the worst yet laziest blogger alive , thats why i don't really update words in my blog anymore. All you'll see is pictures, pictures, pictures :D I cant wait for teens camp this year !
Put your hands up in the air and praise the lord :D you'll find the craziest teens in st. Thomas More . Be sure to be part of it :DD
I won't update often (:
Till than xo'
I'm you author ,
signing off !

Snail says byeee ! :D