Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

#1 - Education fare made me realize how future less i am compare to every other kid in school. I have no idea what i want to study.
I really, really love public relation & hotel management. But.. I can't take up those courses.
#2 - I'm addicted to tumblr. Tumblr is where i re-blog all the super couture & chio pictures (: Do visit,
#3 - I found gym buddies! :D
#4 - I screwed my English paper, BIG TIME on march test.
#5 - I'll have a proper update by tomorrow (:
#6 - OH! And my thirteen year old sister is ' in a relationship ' when, I'm single. LAUGH OUT FREAKING LOUD. Relationships seem tiring =/
#7 - I'm super hungry right now.
#8 - so BYE! (:
Sunday, March 14, 2010
March holidays.
From the last time i check, my real proper update was months ago, when school just started. I guess I've been a super unproductive blogger?
Well, lets skip January & February and head straight to march (:
I miss my brown hair so much :(
I really have no idea on where to start, so I'll start off with the poster competition we had for the school's courtesy campaign. Mak claimed that shu wain poisoned Carissa so that she could join the competition. HAHAH. The whole thing was super hilarious. Mak, Sharon, Shu wain, Shaun and me, we dint really focus on the competition, we actually had time to sit down & take tons of pictures together compare to the other groups which were super stress over their posters.

pictures from mak's super chun S90.
I don't really get the " to speak kindly does not hurt the tongue " issue, but our poster looks mad awesome right? :D Compare to other classes, ours was super simple and normal. Other classes had bling, empty windows and even comic which was totally impressive. But, i still LOVE our poster the most cause its super colourful HEHEHE.
But, i guess keeping everything simple and nice actually got us a champion for the poster competition. Super not bad can?
Pictures from carissa's Iphone. Why you make the pictures so small la friend?
We also had our food fest in class. It was kinda successful? But, our add maths teacher went loco about the whole situation when she saw us eating cookies. She snatch it away, smash it, threw it on the table, SMASH IT AGAIN, then hind it in the drawer. I dint get to catch the whole scenario since i was in the toilet, but from what I've heard from my classmates, it definitely freaked me out ._.

Beta moments (:
I don't play pool. I just normally hang out with people who does (: Nights and Fridays outings with the guys.
I'm assign to blue house, AGAIN. Which is kinda awesome in a way, cause blue house members are always fun and preppy :D Since the only people i knew in school that time were all in cheer, so i decided to just try it out and sees what happens. And, yeah, i got in. It was kinda weird at first because i used to think that cheer is kinda.. not my thing. LOL. Yes, and i do tell my friends that too. But, i guess joining 'em made me realize its actually really cool.somewasoffendedwhentheyknewijoinedbuteverythingwassolvedanditsallcoolnow
I was looking through my drafts in my phone that day and i found this :
Meet up with the old classmates yesterday to watch Alice in the wonderland. I find the show terrible, but it was funny though :) I miss my ex-classmates to the freaking max. They made me laugh even from the second i reached there, it made me miss last year in class, when all we had was laughter, and of course excellent results :D HAHAH. 3Amanah '09 is awesome :)
Mak and Carissa is gonna call me farkernee but I'm still gonna post it up. HAHAHA.
No, i do not put make up :)
Had a redbox session with Carissa and mak today. Although it was just a short while, but it was great. They don't fail to make me laugh. We went honeymoon after that, and i went home in a bit. Btw, MUST SKYPE KAY? I need to talk to you guys :D
Oh, making his very first appearance on my blog,
farkerherng. HAHAH
He's my super smart, extremely funny, and a total mad bitch.
He's my classmate Mak :D
Cousin :)

Well, lets skip January & February and head straight to march (:
I really have no idea on where to start, so I'll start off with the poster competition we had for the school's courtesy campaign. Mak claimed that shu wain poisoned Carissa so that she could join the competition. HAHAH. The whole thing was super hilarious. Mak, Sharon, Shu wain, Shaun and me, we dint really focus on the competition, we actually had time to sit down & take tons of pictures together compare to the other groups which were super stress over their posters.

I don't really get the " to speak kindly does not hurt the tongue " issue, but our poster looks mad awesome right? :D Compare to other classes, ours was super simple and normal. Other classes had bling, empty windows and even comic which was totally impressive. But, i still LOVE our poster the most cause its super colourful HEHEHE.
But, i guess keeping everything simple and nice actually got us a champion for the poster competition. Super not bad can?
Pictures from carissa's Iphone. Why you make the pictures so small la friend?
We also had our food fest in class. It was kinda successful? But, our add maths teacher went loco about the whole situation when she saw us eating cookies. She snatch it away, smash it, threw it on the table, SMASH IT AGAIN, then hind it in the drawer. I dint get to catch the whole scenario since i was in the toilet, but from what I've heard from my classmates, it definitely freaked me out ._.

I'm assign to blue house, AGAIN. Which is kinda awesome in a way, cause blue house members are always fun and preppy :D Since the only people i knew in school that time were all in cheer, so i decided to just try it out and sees what happens. And, yeah, i got in. It was kinda weird at first because i used to think that cheer is kinda.. not my thing. LOL. Yes, and i do tell my friends that too. But, i guess joining 'em made me realize its actually really cool.
I was looking through my drafts in my phone that day and i found this :
Mak and Carissa is gonna call me farkernee but I'm still gonna post it up. HAHAHA.
Had a redbox session with Carissa and mak today. Although it was just a short while, but it was great. They don't fail to make me laugh. We went honeymoon after that, and i went home in a bit. Btw, MUST SKYPE KAY? I need to talk to you guys :D
Oh, making his very first appearance on my blog,
He's my super smart, extremely funny, and a total mad bitch.
He's my classmate Mak :D
I want to show you guys my " cheer bruise " which is shaped in a heart shape .__. I don't know how? Maybe there's like a heart shape on Rachel's elbow or something. HAHA.
I want to show you guys my " cheer bruise " which is shaped in a heart shape .__. I don't know how? Maybe there's like a heart shape on Rachel's elbow or something. HAHA.

I know my posts are every where,
but, its just a little something to keep my blog alive.
By the way, a catholic teen who undergoes confirmation at the age of 17 will have a confirmation name. And i've got my confirmation name. Its Rozalia. Rozalia is one of the saint i could connect with :) So, my name is Renee Rozalia LOL .___. I know the name is kinda weird now, but its nice, right?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
True colours.
Post edited.
Did anyone realize its been almost a month of 2010. January is coming to an end, already. Despite that Chinese new year is just 2 weeks away, I'm like totally freaking out for the first term examination which is just a month a way -___- I bet most of you, never realize that. Okay, i know I'm fucking freaking out, but its seriously freaking me out because chemistry isn't being any friendly to me :(
Have you ever had the feeling when you turn from a " somebody " to a total " NOBODY ". This is, obviously, one of my biggest struggle in school. One day, I'm walking down the school saying hi to everyone who passes by, and the next day, when I'm in a whole new school, all that goes through my mind is " who are you ?! " I'm still trying to get used to the situation :(

I miss everyone and everything back in seafield although its already been a month. I look forward to Thursday tuition because half of the students there are seafieldians. They're one of the things that i look forward to weekly & night class with jin & jillyan keeps my thrusday great as well (: I've miss choir & leo, majorly. The times we skipped class and hang out behind koperasi, gossiping and laughing about almost everything (: The times we had insane dramas with the seniors and juniors, was awesome! (:
Sorry that i kept the school thing a secret to you guys, because i know that most of your reaction would be " EDITED" I know you guys were kinda mad but, hopefully you guys understand, this wasn't 100% my choice. I miss you guys a lot though (: Ohh! Lydia, mana you? Don't tell me you're back at Aussie already! I only got to see you once! :(
Friday, January 22, 2010

How's school?
It's getting better and better each day (:
It's getting better and better each day (:
Stewpids and the guys had a small meet up last weekend. We watched spy next door and chatted alot (: Funn (: Hopefully i can make it tomorrow.
Btw, good luck for your cross country tomorrow :D
Omg, honestly, my mind is extremely blank now. I've nothing to blog about wtf. So I'll just update when i have mood too (:
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