Have you ever heard or been to

spend a night with jay chou world tour '08 live in malaysia 23 feb '08 @ stadium merdeka
yea i mean lyk OMG i went to see jay chou in live and i dont needa pay for the ticket xD
i was lyk SUPER HIGH that day

oh oh and this girl is supper cunted xD gt jay chou tatoo
until now i also cant stop thinking bout that day
why why why cuz jay chou rocks x)

the people's

the miss'es

the poser's

and the glowing stick
seriously its like every single song he sing is super nicee
especialy "yang guang zai nan" everybody was lyk jumping and screaming XD
when he came out with a transparent piano and played an jing
i accualy cried not because im over hyper or what
is cause it remainds me of the past WTF
bt nvm his concert still totaly rocks
now let the pictures do the talking =)

see yee , wei minn , renee

missy dia , missy nee neee

the yeng ness xD

wei minn and me

miss jo miss nee miss dia

note all this photo is takeen by camera =)

love ya jay chou
we'll forever be your fans xD
with your talented talent everyone will love you =P
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