I celebrated it with full of unexpected moments .
Chinese new year was shockingly early this year because its in January , means there wont be any holiday during February . Aww i really want holidays ! But school will be fine , right ? Lets see Simone change to ACE which brings back to our point that I'll be alone in class now ! Besides that , ruwen & shu ying might be changing to ace too . Whats so good about that school anyway ? It just provides O levels . I bet before they even planned to start ACE , most of you don't even know there's such exam .
Back to the main point . Chinese new year was great yet boring sometimes . Lets go into details .
25/01/2009 - Sunday
Woke up around 6 & went of to Johor . We reach around 9 due to no traffic problems , most of my cousins was already there i guess . After lunch , we got bored so the cousin drove us all the way to Malacca to watch a movie All's Well End's Well , that's the name right ? Its really hard to pronouns , heh . I personally think its such a dumb show it can make you laugh throughout the whole movie . LOL seriously its really stupidddddddd . After the show , we chilled at secret recipe and bought a cake back Johor since its our grandmother's 80Th birthday ! Went back on time for " tuan yuan fan " & celebrated grandma's birthday . Talking about the cake , we had a really hard time on choosing one . So you see kids don't know how to eat coffee , old people cant eat too sweet means NO cheese & NO chocolate . So we finally bought " The Mango Delight " which none of us ate before , and we were kinda afraid the taste would turn out really bad but it turn out great !
26/01/2009 - Monday
Basically people give out ang pau's today whereas the kids / people who are not married take them . So i took ang pau , watch TV & EAT the whole day ! By the way anyone saw the eclipse between 4 : 30 to 6 : 30 ? It only happen once every 38 years ! How can you be sleeping when you got a chance to see that eclipse that only appear once every 38 years ?
This is not the eclipse , I was just bored on the way out heh .
27/01/2009 - Tuesday
Drove down to Malacca for another family gathering , this time ALL as in ALL (except 1 Aussie family) came to the gathering . We even invited a photographer to snap our family photo GENG RIGHT ? some says " walao why so kua cheong ? " Cause this is like the first time in 12 years that all my mom's sibling ( except one ) came , so KUA CHEONG ABIT loh . Finally meet up with the cousins which we only meet once a year , and they really changed alot . Seriously like 360 degree change weih .
The cousins .

piggie says BOO !
28/01/2009 - Wednesday

Went back to Johor and did some homework . After dinner , we head back to KL * jumps for joy *