But as you said, your free to write anything on your blog.
So am I.
please, have you ever looked into the mirror?
I've been a really, really lazy blogger this year. Maybe its because i really don't have the time to make a proper update. Since the whole world is so busy with the up coming school carnival, I've been super lazy to study, and that's why I'm here to update about Ace Adventure Carnival & 104th scouts camp fire night.
Ace turn out to be a smaller version of what i had in mind, but the carnival turn out great. Although the school compound was really small, they still managed to out everything together. Went carnival after church & meet up with see yee, jocelyn, weiminn, ru wen & elaine seng. It was about time we finally went out together since everyone is so busy with everything this year. Haha.
Went into the ghost house with seng for the first time. Ah too was trying to convince us that only one person was allowed in but we managed to go in together. After we enter, we dint know what to expect so we stood still for quite some time. It felt kinda weird standing in the dark doing nothing, so we decided to walk slowly and yeah you know what happens next in a haunted house.
spot the X on my hand?
I was our ticket in after we went out during the break.
Skip choir and stayed back with the classmates to prepare for our school's up coming event - HARI CARNIVAL! I was really impressed with my classmates because i wasnt expecting everyone would be in this together, but we managed to cover up most of the things. By the way, have you seen this flyer around school ?

Presenting LIVING DEAD DOLLS by 3 AMANAH 2009 !
Don't breathe too hard...
they can hear you...
If your planning to attend smk seafield's carnival, this is one of the thing you cannot miss out on! Be sure to grab your friends along to our very own haunted house. You will not regret it!
I am truly sorry i can't make it to cheer 2009 jin. But i am supporting you, well quitely. Haha. I wish you all the best, Go Vulcanz! You guys will definatly win top 3 :D
p/s- Happy belated birthday boon hui kor ! Jayhan ! & Lam Shu Ying (:
1 comment:
heyyy...im adam the lead singer of the temp...i was just scrolling by blogs by blogs...than i saw urs...also saw our pics on ur page...if u dnt mind im asking,wat do u mean by racist performance?:)
its ur page n u have da rights to write anything,but as the band member n da leader,just wanna knw wat do u mean?r we racist or something to u?:)
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