I love you,
you love me,
we are happy family (:
Trails is just 2 weeks away and due to everyone's busy schedule this year, the girls really don't have the time to meet up every weekend. So we were all really crazy at Lydia's house that day. It was really a wonderful night before Lydia left. Was at Lydia's house with :-
kiew yee lei.
ngeow shu ying.

Finally, SLR- Simone, Lydia & Renee. We finally see each other after 4152587644 years. We were really, really great friends when 3 of us was still studying in Seafield. Now, Lydia's at Australia, Simone's going to England, and guess who's going to California? (: I finally get to tell them what've been happening in school, in life. I felt so relief after i told them everything. They're the only ones who can ever understand me. We'll still remain best friends no matter what (:

A hug is worth a thousand words.
A friend is worth more.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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