Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I haven't did a proper update since, forever. But, I guess I'm not the only lazy blogger out there. Although there's so much happening in our life now and then, we don't tend to share it to the cyber world anymore. But, who's to blame? We don't need the extra tension which would spoilt our mood, no?

I haven't been quite available myself. I'll either be out with the bunch of friends, or stay home to catch up on all the drama's and movies I've missed the whole year long. Which also means I've even lesser time to keep itsmyfantasy update.

I've been sleeping over at jinnie's place twice in 2 weeks. How cool is that? First was the AAR concert,

which I'm not gonna lie, terrible. But, although it wasn't as good, we still had a great time with the bunch of friends. Not only that, i bet someone else had even, a better night *winks* :D

The following week was jinnie's fifteen birthday. Finally, you're fifteen, girl. I'm here to wish you a VERY, EXTREMELY BELATED FIFTEEN BIRTHDAY JINNIE. I know, its like what? A month ago? But, i still wanna apologize cause i know that things dint exactly turned out what you had in mind. I want you to know that me and jy felt really bad because you did an awesome job on our birthday but this is what you got in return. I promise you a much better one in the future, kay?


Of course,

We had an unforgettable trip to genting, which i still can't forget the way BOSCO SMILED AT ME WHEN HE SHOOK MY HAND. That 10 seconds of excitement will, definitely make me happy for quite some time :D Had a great time with the ex-classmates too. The coolest moment was when we were at the railway station. Few of us were playing card while waiting for the LRT, everyone stared at us like we're some physco who aren't familiar with the Malaysian rules. We're Malaysian too, okay? Time is precious, by playing cards, we're definitely not wasting our time. Hahah. Assholes.

I think it was recently that we went over to jinnie's place again, one of the reason was because s. house was out of electricity and jin can't go out often too. We had a good time over there, we talked, ate and of course, we painted each other nails.

Girls enjoying their new gadgets. (:

Wm. SE.

jinnie. Nokia.

I'm pretty happy about my N97mini as well (:

relationships last a moment, friendship last a lifetime. ♥

I bet the whole world is talking about new moon now. Why would i saw a whole world? Well, its all over FACEBOOK, its all over TWITTER, its on almost, every BLOG in the cyber world, and, oh yeah, its all over the NEWS. That practically makes it the whole world.

I'm kinda excited myself since tomorrow's the first day they're previewing and the girls already got the tickets booked! No doubt that twilight was definitely a huge disappointment, and i awfully hope that new moon would be better, since, they changed the director. *fingers cross*


In your faces girls around the world who thinks Edward Cullen was hot in the twilight movie. No offence, but Edward Cullen seriously looks like the kind of guy who just got out of bed, forgotten to shave and just throw on some un-iron clothes, and there, he's ready to go on set. Hahah! Unlike my favourite, taylor lautner who's also playing as JACOB BLACK had always look just as hot :D If you here screaming in the cinema tomorrow when taylor lautner appear, no doubt, that'll be me. Woo! Can't wait can't wait

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