(5:22 PM) CL: omg. renee tok sleptover at your place?
do you know who is she ?
(5:44 PM) CL: Uh wait.
can you give me a fucking chance to explain?
(5:45 PM) CL: I have no intentions to spoil her " good " name afterall.
Hey, little girl, i don't even know you. LOL.
(Thanks babe for informing me!)

Congrats to those who just accomplish SPM & Happy holidays!
Oh, and i update my blog eveyrday, not once in a shot. I just dint want to make all of my post look short, so i updated all in one post (:
26/11 & 27/11

New moon was a gazillion time better than twilight. The book was so much enjoyable though. Although the movie was kinda, sucky, we had a great time laughing and cheering in the cinema for a while. Of course, Taylor Lautner was looking smoking hot, so was the other wolf pack :D And robert pattinson was, ugh. *vomits*
Slept over at JY's house and as usual we had lots of fun! We better have another one before i go (: Girls were talking about the "very popular kids". Why are you guys still so lame and childish, grow up. Come on, who would claim themself to be "very popular". What? It was just a joke? Ha-Ha. Not funny (:
29/11 & 30/11
I ♥ white doggies.

Its already december, which also means its the last month of 2009. Heck 2009 really passed in just a blink of an eye, no? Form 3's are taking our results in about 3 weeks time right after christmas. Talking about Christmas, the cyber world had already gone insane about christmas. From their blogskin, to blog song, to blogging about how exicted they are about the coming christmas celebration. Reading about how exicted different bloggers are about christmas, definitely brought me into the christmas mood.
Well, I stayed home this 2 days to catch up with my HK Drama. I even started preparing some stuff for Japan too. I packed most of the stuff, got all the books & pictures ready (as you can see above), the only thing i'm worry about is my Japanese. Honestly, i dont think i'll understand a thing they're gonna say. I guess, i better brush up my Japanese before i end up looking like a lost tourist in town. Haha!

I spend my whole afternoon finding and calling tuition teachers, and when i was about to call the last physics teacher, I received a text from Jin. She told me something which completely changed my mood, i was traumatised for a moment. I made such a huge decision to continue, but with another burden on my shoulder, i just cant decide anymore. I hope we can discuss it tonight and that we'll make our final decision without regretting.
We both have huge decisions to make Jin (:
Cool right? I personally adore this picture a lot.
Slept over at JY's house and as usual we had lots of fun! We better have another one before i go (: Girls were talking about the "very popular kids". Why are you guys still so lame and childish, grow up. Come on, who would claim themself to be "very popular". What? It was just a joke? Ha-Ha. Not funny (:
29/11 & 30/11

Alyssa and I finally meet up after PMR. Well, i haven't seen her since like, forever due to PMR this year. We only get to meet once a year it seams. But distance never tore us apart because we're still best friends till now. As Alyssa said, great minds think a like. Wtf. We chatted & chatted about almost everything & anything that came to our minds. Imagine this, you see your schoolmates everyday and you still have so much to say, then what do you think if you haven't seen your best friend for a year, I bet you'll talk, talk & talk non-stop!
We watched overheard and princess. I thought princess was suppose to be some kind of fairytale-like story, but it turned out to be about weird stuff, it was kinda creepy. Wtf. Anyway, we went to the park during the evening with Marissa along too. We took a stroll in the park and took some pictures too. I don't usually walk in parks because " idontwannagetdarkskin" Hahah.
a picture from the park.
We took lots and lots of picture with Saa's DSLR and her camera, since mine gone missing some where around my house, so i only took sucky photos from my suckyN97mini camera. I really love my phone but the camera really sucks, BIG TIME. fml. After the non-stop-picture-taking-session. We finally headed to bed. I just got all the pictures from Alyssa, there's like 200 pictures, so I'll only post up some (:

Watched new moon for the second time with alyssa, it was rather boring the second time.
Btw, here's what happened on our way in to the cinema, and here's our short convo.
A : Hey, is that _____ ?
R : *looks around*
* a short girl past by *
R : Eww, that's not _____ . She's like * stop and stare *
* _____ giving us "her" stare. *
R : Wtf. She must think I'm bitching about her.
A : Lmao.
P/S-If you know I'm talking about you, i was just about to say that you're not that short. Lol.
I dint really pay attention until i heard, marry me, bella. THE END. While we were walking out from the cinema, I saw a bunch of friends from school. Its nice seeing them after so long (: Here are the pictures from pyramid. Mostly grabbed from en & saa's facebook/blog (:
We watched overheard and princess. I thought princess was suppose to be some kind of fairytale-like story, but it turned out to be about weird stuff, it was kinda creepy. Wtf. Anyway, we went to the park during the evening with Marissa along too. We took a stroll in the park and took some pictures too. I don't usually walk in parks because " idontwannagetdarkskin" Hahah.

We took lots and lots of picture with Saa's DSLR and her camera, since mine gone missing some where around my house, so i only took sucky photos from my sucky

♥ ♥
Next morning, we were running late when we woke up because saa's parents were going to the office at 1030 and it was already 10! We both took a quick shower, had our breakfast and thank God we made it in time. Reached pyramid, got our tickets and met up with en. Since we were craving for ice cream, we went to New Zealand Natural! Yumms :D We chatted & enjoy the oh-so-delicious ice cream for a really, really long time. Oh, and alyssa kept looking at the couple in front of us, like stalkerish kind of looking. Hahah!Walked around not knowing what to do next, we decided to eat something again. They suggested Pasta Zanmai. I haven't been there before, but the food there was unexpectedly great too. After en met up with her old schoolmates, and we had nothing else to do but loiter around pyramid, we went to Kimgary, haha! Food again, i know! And we ate mango ice. I'm gaining so much weight since after pmr, because i do nothing else, but eat, sleep and watch HK drama. FML.
Watched new moon for the second time with alyssa, it was rather boring the second time.
Btw, here's what happened on our way in to the cinema, and here's our short convo.
A : Hey, is that _____ ?
R : *looks around*
* a short girl past by *
R : Eww, that's not _____ . She's like * stop and stare *
* _____ giving us "her" stare. *
R : Wtf. She must think I'm bitching about her.
A : Lmao.
P/S-If you know I'm talking about you, i was just about to say that you're not that short. Lol.
I dint really pay attention until i heard, marry me, bella. THE END. While we were walking out from the cinema, I saw a bunch of friends from school. Its nice seeing them after so long (: Here are the pictures from pyramid. Mostly grabbed from en & saa's facebook/blog (:

Well, I stayed home this 2 days to catch up with my HK Drama. I even started preparing some stuff for Japan too. I packed most of the stuff, got all the books & pictures ready (as you can see above), the only thing i'm worry about is my Japanese. Honestly, i dont think i'll understand a thing they're gonna say. I guess, i better brush up my Japanese before i end up looking like a lost tourist in town. Haha!

I spend my whole afternoon finding and calling tuition teachers, and when i was about to call the last physics teacher, I received a text from Jin. She told me something which completely changed my mood, i was traumatised for a moment. I made such a huge decision to continue, but with another burden on my shoulder, i just cant decide anymore. I hope we can discuss it tonight and that we'll make our final decision without regretting.

Was googling this afternoon and i found the coolest new moon picture. It turned out to be so much nicer than the others.

Heading to Latin class soon. Stewpids ♥ are sleeping over tomorrow at Jin's house. We're helping her family decorate the Christmas tree :D I'm guessing you're curious why we have so many sleepovers right? Well, its because we get to talk more, we don't hurt our feet by wearing killer heels loitering around the mall, and we definitely don't need to spend a single cent (: Oh, and its a lot of fun too :D
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