After exploring the house, we went out around noon. Remember those geisha wearing kimono holding a fan preparing to attend a tea ceremony, well, since Nagoya was well known for their fans, Junko brought me and LT (still wtf) to make our own fans. I stoned when they asked me to draw and write some stuff. I haven't wrote since PMR ended which was 3 months ago FTW. I couldn't think of anything except thank you, so i wrote it. Wtf.
Everything turned out to be extremely expansive. So, 50 bucks for a t shirt is considered really expansive for most of us, but in Japan, clothes which cost 300 bucks isn't expansive, in fact its considered cheap. WTF -__- Everything's like over budget. Okay fine, its not, i just dint want to spend crazy cash in Japan. How could a t shirt cost more than 7000 yen? Fine fine, its consider cheap for Japanese, i get it. Well, at least everything looks great, which was satisfying. And although everything was expansive, i still couldn't resist not buying anything :D
Went home to pick the kids up for dinner.
Went home to pick the kids up for dinner.
Its christmas eve tomorrow which also means PMR students are taking their results tomorrow as well. I dont know why everyone seem so freak out when we cant change the results already. Personally, although i know that i wont do well in PMR, i'm not as freak out as i thought i'd be. In fact, i dont feel scared at all. Maybe its cause i'm already expecting terrible results out of myself, so there's no need to freak out. Wtf. Well, best of luck for all of us tomorrow. And have a pleasant Christmas eve! :) :)
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