& you can put the blame on me
skip school again and stayed in simone house for quite awhile
her brother , jeffery piong and kai jin was there when we came
hwo thoon came lately after.
we sterted rape-ing each other in mone's room at first LOL
than we got bored and went u6.
it was kinda risky but fun for skipping school now a days
it was also quite a emotional day for my dearest minn
uhh , happy and sad also ended up finish on the same day
so why not choose to be happy (:
oh oh , and that fcuking person! UH!
i planed to skip school again tomorow but NOO
she said that every pengawas or percubaan MUST be there or you'll be DEMERIT
OMG can you belive it ?! she let out the dummest sentence i've ever heard
what IF im sick on that day?
you wont know right.
you step in the room and declaiming that ' i AM the KETUA PENGAWAS'
hell no, your just a penolong only
i cannot show my ass of at school tmr cause i WAS supost to be in the choir
but NAH!
so , i really dont know what to do now -.-
uhhh , screw you Gan Kar Men !
turning to : kelly clarkson-miss independent
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