Hello ,

dont know much about your world
WhatTalkingYou? LOL supreemm fun we had at lagoon yesterday. Was there with myself , simone , lydia , see yee , jillyan , shu ying , weiminn , shaujin , qing xian , chee yong , matthew , leslei , er vyn . Walk around under that shiney HOT sun that made us walk on the freaking freaking HOT floor that burn our legs. It also cause most of us with a really bad sunburn . But it was worth it playing and most importandly having much fun together .
I really miss the time on the snake when me , lydia , chee yong and matthew sang on the top of our voices 'he said his name is ben and im from pakistan' *screams!* chee yong said the ride was really potong stem cause it suddenly cut of our song . The ride with lydia and weiminn was interesting when we started to sing 'our song' . I think we played most of the ride and it wasn't dissapointing cause the joker's around us make the whole day went perfect (:
BUT when we're about to prepare to take a bath , *faints* the toilet was so packed we cant even move . So we went out and planed to bath in the guys toilet but a bunch of guys just went in and ocuppied the toilet so we dint stand a chance to go in . Me and see yee manage to take a bath but jin , weiminn and shu ying dint.
after such a long day finaly there's a chance to sit down and EAT! gosh, i was so hungry once i came out from lagoon and i'd only notice i have ate the whole day LOL i dint felt hungry when i was playing cause maybe all of us we enjoying . We ate at the new ramen and i think it definately taste better than iciban ramen at the old wing .

chilled at see yee house after the day while waiting for my dad to pick me up . she took the snow can a spray at me . Can you belive it? Spray on me? uhh , it was so like bubbly? or should i say white lol . Malaysia dont have a white christmas that's why people now a day buy the snow spray so that we'll have a white christmas as well right (:
the snow LOL

fuhh look at my hair , the colour has fade badly ):
chilling at home now watching some show's . 2 week's of holiday what can you do when your stuck at home? watch tv lorhh. Im currently watching


dou nui yao bu yao is romantik =D the said that love is like an unfinish game on the basketball court . To finish it you must have to perfect relationship with your true love.

love in school

love in date

love on the basketball court (:
Young people now a days belive in love , but the love they have are puppy love . When we're together we are the closest friends on earth but when we're apart we are the worst anemy on earth . Dont you just find this funny ? How can anybody hate the person you've once love ? Yes , you fell awkard at first but your last love is one of the person who had love you , had trust you and had once knew everything about you . So if you have all the hate sign's in your head its an immature way of love . Remember that 95% love of age from 10-16 are most likely puppy love.
turning to : sexual seduction
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