I cannot belive im missing choral festival although it haven even been 24 hours ! I cant stop thinking about the times we had together , singing with great soprano's , alto , fantastic tenor and bass . Posing at the end of the song , screaming all way up the bus , meet the guys at the bridge .
I really don't want this year to be the last . Please Susanna , don't make this year the last . There's so many out station friends that we only can meet once a year since our school don't attend Leo forum . Gosh , i can kneel down and bag you and also promise you to go choir practise every single day , but just make sure that there's gonna be a 7th young singer's choral festival k ?
miss ngoo and the other teacher's prepare a lucky draw for all of us and this is what me and Lydia get . Its so kind of them to prepare this lucky draw right ? (:
The dorms were so much better and cleaner this year . The better part is girl and guys dorm are connected with a bridge in the middle .
But the bus was @@ we were always the latest one to reach KL pack everyday ! It was so embarrassing walking in the hall with all the eyes one you .
gossip gossip ! LOL don't all girls do that xD
The stage where we and all the other choir performed ! The spotlights were so much brighter than last year which is SOO! a bad thing .
we used to eat in the room last year but we dint this year . We were force to use outside because there's a sectional training for the teacher's in there . But its ok ;P
Renee (: the fine for losing this tag is RM1 and you must sing a song for them . I heard that one of sam tet guys lost it and the whole choir sang a song just to get him a new tag LOL!
Thank you coaches from all over the whole to help us out in this festival ! You guys were great (:
babe's chilling out during break time =D
smjk sam tet , ipoh
we look like enemy's everyday because when we wear black they'd were white and when we wear white they'd wear black LOL
Singapore choir . Gosh , i slept the whole performance after taking this picture .
Well , we dint take as many picture's like we did last year . But this year pictures looks super jakun and we had so much more fun than last year . The song's were twice as good as last year but this year may be the last , I cannot NOT go to choral fest because we only can meet everybody once a year ;(
lydia . xin er . renee
my lovely lydia darling =D
oh we saw ducks there too and was wondering why is jin there LOL we were super lame that we shouted jinn every time we pass by there
wen lee . me ! it was kinda cold outside so that's what happen to the camera its so not a effect
rushan mummie! LOVES
wen zhi . mr nice guy
shuen min the cutest =D
me and wen lee dear caughting the great view (:
perfect view ! of course with perfect poser's
emily the lovely (:
chew yee fang KU!!!
The one to share :)
the perfect room mate . ngeow shu ying !
me love (:
ignore MY face . FOCUS on lydia tattoo beautiful eh ?
what the hell are they up to ?
apple is the best food i had the whole camp . Gosh , can you ever imagine the food @@
B & W
Darrel the spryness ! He can reach so many notes higher than me . Malu-like-shit
no entering . residents only .
but still who can ever stop me and junn LOL
me and junn . Its getting dark =)
=D he looks so much better in person
lee xin er . CAPS!
this three guys take morepictures than us . They move and touch their hair after every photo shot and when they saw a mirror . You should see that they'd hilarious LOL!
zhi qi ! she got fever that day ):
professer ANDRE ! WOOTS! he's so so so so funny and talented and of course TALL @@
justin justin justin . Buat pa so poser xD
baby jun !
tracey . tracey . tracey . She plays the piano really well!
lydia darlingku (:
mwuah shu ying !
hui yi gave me the what-the-heck-you-want-look ;( LMAO
pose pose pose !
we'll meet again x)
our friendship will always stand as strong as this tree
Jien Ie . Im taller than him YEAH!
Samuel . smjk sam tet (:
the one and only picture capture in choral festival of myself
seng . teng . nee <3
lydia's doing yoga LOL
jun . nee . xin er
dia . nee . lei
forever loving and caring sisters (:
dai ka jie ? LOL samuel , tiek jin , jorger from smjk sam tet <3
mamamia here i go again =D
last day of 6th anual choral festival
kick kick kick you down LOL
the girls are back posing at the same spot like last year =D

WOOTS ! nice view back there eh ?
No one can stop us from posing !
pole with radio . back - wen & em . side - nee & shuen . front - dia & jun
row row row a bot , gentle down the tree =D
super jakun's jump jump jump!
LOVES! one big big family!
lydia . renee . yee lei . jun yi . samuel . tiek jin . jien yi . shu ying .
Family potrait (: IFLY
the 6th young singers choral festival i officialy over
When we sang all the song at the last day , i remembered all the hard work we did , how late we practise the whole day , and now are the last moments we have together . With no more choral fest most probely next year . I miss the times practising at the bridge at night , peforming during the last day , jakuning around with seafieldians , taking pictures , chatting with other school student and EVERYTHING THAT IS SEPOSE TO BE REMEMBERED!
Im not alone anymore ,
cause i've open up the door,
to the music i was
born with,
and the music from your shores,
Not alone anymore,
we're bringing down the walls,
not alone oh no no ,
when we're singing
the same song,
nyanyi bersama,
singing the same SONG!!
Dont worry , no matter how , we'll meet again some day . No distance can overcome our friendship (: Tears roll down to my face when i was singing ' not alone anymore ' Gosh , i really miss it ! I hope that everyone is too , we love singing and GOD gave us faith to meet each other , no matter where we are , we will still remain as friends <3>
May our paths meet again
as we travel on our way
may you always be my
as i am yours today
i know you must travel your road
as i
must travel mine
but may our paths meet again sometime
school start's tomorow , and i needa cut my nails and do my homework and all the project . But im still here in front of the computer and also missing choral fest so much that i still can burst into tears now ): Ok , i gtg do my homework (: Goodnight . LOVES!
turning to : an jing - jay chou
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