Who's that girl ?
Where's she from ?
No she cant be the one
Greetings earthlings !
Im just back from shopping and im really really tired x) Did nothing much as usual church , squash , dance , guitar and so on . Im just here to wish my cousins -


justin chow
A belated birthday ! And just so im here , i'll finish up jun yi's tag which is freaking LONG ! ZOMG im so lazy but still here is it . And to all my INDIAN friends out there , HAPPY DEPAVALI ! you see im not racits xD .
Tag by babe jun yi : -
1.Do you have secrets?
- yeah , name one who dont ?
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- to be accepted by all in the world , neither less to be perfect .
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
- skkk x)
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- what ever girl would , SHOPPING for diamond *winks*
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
- Yeah . Lucky im in love with my best friens <3
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- absoulutely Loving Someone (: because if your love by someone you dont like , what's so blessed about that?
7. If you had 3 wishes what would it be?
- now ? Be a cast member in next year musical ! Not to have such a pack schdule next year ! All the BAD MEN ON EARTH TO DIE ! hahahahaha x)
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- i would x) you'll know what happen next . LOL joking , im not into relationship now . Im not some despo like SOME girls around me (:
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
- cupcakes cupcakes chocalate chocalate flowers flowers diamonds diamonds burberry burberry!
10. What takes you down the fastest?
- louis vioutton (:
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
- still studying , oh oh driving my dream car kancil =D
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
- God , Family
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
- single and rich . Strong bisness women , womanizer x)
15. Would you give all in a relationship?
- at this point , nah , its all puppy love
16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- not making another similar mistake , i'll choose to study first (:
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
- Sorry to say , i've tried in so many worship centre's , NO i cant
18. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
- now ? Single . Study study study !
19. What's the hardest thing for you?
- To accept the fact at times
- skkk
(tag dude ! )
1) Are you really ready for 100 questions?
- bring it on dude !
2) Who's the best kisser you've ever kissed?
- still having that with me =D
3) Do you believe in God?
-Yeap , im lovin GOD like since i've first born , its my destiny (:
4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
- mummy and daddy !
6) What's your ringtone?
- Hold On - Jonas brothers . YEAH !
7) Have a best friend?
- who does ? LOL
8) Are you a boy or girl?
- famale famale female womanizer hahaha x)
9) How do you want to die?
- Not prepare for that yet , there's still so much to do , eat , wear , travel !
11) What did you last drink?
- ice lemon tea . I drink that everyday heee
12) Last call?
- jojo newbie nerds and tan pendek
13) Tom from MySpace is about to go to jail, what's your first thought?
- bye bye .
14) Do you have an attitude?
- yup yup yup . Who dont? And and thats what made my used to be friends so called hate me , So what? Im still a rock star !
16) Ever been in love?
- no . Not really .
17) How much do you text?
- i dont know . How aften does everyone text ?
18) Like reading?
- yes yes yes ! definately
9) Are you gonna get high later?
- its the midnight , gosh what would i get high for . Oh maybe i would im going red box plus later
20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
- nah , for what , for what , for what ?
21) Do you miss someone?
- i miss choir heeee =D
21) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
-twirl spaghetti
22) Who is your best friend's brother's wife's daughter's boyfriend?
- i dont have a best friend who have a brother nor a wife so how would i know the daughter boyfriend?
24) Do you tan a lot?
- nope thats why im so fair now , wtf wtf wtf ! Imma gonna need lots of tan during the holidays
25) How exactly are you feeling?
- that why are they together when they only knew each other for a few weeks ? Tell me you ass!
26) Ever eat food in a car while someone or your self is driving?
-yup , mcd drivetrue
28) Have you ever started a rumor?
- lately no , im just too busy
30) Are Barbie & Ken bad influences on people?
- well , babi is (:
31) Do you regret anything from your past?
- absoulutely . I need a go back in time
32) What are you listening to?
- at the beginning with you
33) Do you want to have kids?
- if i can get a great husband in the future than yeah
34) Ever kissed somebody that name started with an E?
-i've never kiss
35) Do you type fast?
- we're the NOW generation people la gosh
36) Do you have piercings?
- yeah . DUH
38) Can you spell?
- nope
39) What do you miss most about your past?
- somethings.
40) What are you craving right now?
- burberry ! D-slr kiss ! White classical guitar ! Juicy couture charms ! Vera Wang Perfume ! Sony Newest Album-T (: Anyone care to get me ?
43) Does somebody love you?
- yeah . my parents
44) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
- you got that right
45) Are you secretly liking someone?
- nah , puppy love's are for suckers LOL iloveyouyouloveme than when break after3 months or 3 years ihateyouyouhateme . You see its for suckers .
46) Do you believe your ex thinks about you?
- maybe ? nah not really LOL
47) Who is your 6th best friend?
- i dont list them , since i dont have one . Thanks to some of my so called 'best friends' last time . Thanks for the memorise fuckers (:
48) Have you ever been betrayed by a best friend?
- yeah , yes , yup , ofcourse
49) Your hair color?
- i used to have dark brown , almost black , and i dyed light brown , and gold , and than dark brown and imma getting a red hair for year end , that i must have x)
50) Is your house big?
- who would answer this question ?
51) Where is your cat at?
- cats aren't my type of pets
52) Have you ever walked outside in the rain?
- the best memories during 2006 singapore trip (:
53) Do you think you're a good person?
- nobody thinks im a good person
54) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
- yup . like they say , everthing happens for a reason , God's fair .
55) Do you take drugs?
- no , well not yet
56) Last time you had a nice bubble bath?
- long ago i'd said , too busy nowadays.
57) Whats your middle name?
- TOK!
58) Do you play the Wii?
- i dont play much games
59) How do you feel about Wal-Mart?
- shit.
60) How long have you had a myspace?
- never have one , never plan to have one .
61) Who has inspired you the most?
62) Favorite line?
-eh indian , fuuny aa funny .
63) How old will you be in 4months?
- 15 15 15 ! cause its 2009 which means PMR PMR PMR!
64) Are you mean?
- ofcourse . Your looking at the award winning mean girl .
65) Can you keep white shoes clean?
- not after 1 month
66) Do you believe in true love?
- fuck it . LOL
67) Do you like roller coasters that go upside down?
- no!
68) Are you proud of the person you've become?
- maybe ? yes i do . But i guess none of my friends ? Seem to like it . They'll be like " renee , what happen to you , why you last time so good now fucking like shit like that" and there they go again with the broken english scolding me like shit , yeah thanks bicthes .
69) Do you wanna change?
- im proud of who i am .
70) Do you like to be outside?
- yeah , who likes to stuck at home?
71) What are you looking forward to?
- musical , musical , musical !
72) Are you bored?
- no , just sleepy
73) Do you want to get married?
- every woman is perfect after they're married and have kids
74) Ever fail a class?
- Yes .
75) Are you hungry?
- nope
76) Do you have a bank account?
- why? you wanna rob me ? Or you wan me to pay for your birthday present?
78) What'll make you happy?
- D-SLr kiss ! Louis Vioutton ! Burberry ! Juicy Couture ! White classical guitar ! Cup cakes !
79) Would you change your name?
-i like renee =D
80) Do you know how to skateboard?
- nope , but i'll be delight if you teach me to
81) Has someone ever sang to you?
- choir members !
82) Do you watch the news?
- lately yess ! economy not good !
83) What is your zodiac sign?
- cancer
84) How does your bf/gf feel about their ex?
- never mentioned
There goes the 100 question , phewww ! Im tired , imma gonna sleep now , goodnight people !
Turning to - Natasha Bedingfield ft Sean Kingston - Never find a love like this