10 hours 25 minutes till the end of PMR
Good luck !
Good luck !
Sunshine's , sunshine's !
I went library and study with two retarded hunney's today which is
After everybody in the library went off , we decided to head downstairs mamak to catch a breath . We chilled there for awhile and we ordered something , something which was suppose to be super long , and they turned it into super short :D
After that , we walk under the rain to Leo's . Yes it was raining and we walked all the way to taipan Leo's , which was of course far . Try walking lahh , damn tired wan you know ! So our hair was all frizzy and stuff , so it was weird , weird like you just came out from the bathroom without blowing you hair and walking in public O_O
I saw something real ganas on one of my friend friendster profile :-
FUCKING _______. don tell me u 4get who's me.. if u dare to touch ___ , be careful u will go in hospital again.. But i cant promise that whether u will go into hospital or coffin.
Fucking _______, don try to act in front of all girls. I know many girls trust u, but i wont give a dam! U can fucking blind all the girl's eyes but u cant blind me eyes, dog face o0o
"Fucking _______ o0o If u wanna fight juz come out, u wan solo or gang also can! Don think u can blind all of the girls then u're fucking big. I wont give a dam to all the girls, & i will no longer can be fren with u o0o Cock face!"
Some weird / scary people eh? Boys , boys , boys , stop showing off if you have a gang or not because maybe the quite one's will be the one whacking your asses (: So stop showing off la !
p/s - tomorrow's the last day for form 3 , good luck !
pp/s - study dates don't really helps you to study , its just a excuse you used to cover on your parents =D
ppp/s - economy is real bad now , so save up girls/guys , because you'll be shock once you'd found out your dad's MC HAMMER BROKE ! Just saying x)
Good luck on studying you nerds . Nights . xoxo .
turning to : angela zhang - i don't feel like knowing
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