♥ Renee ;
♥ Alyssa ;
♥ Kian Hong ;
♥ Eugene ;
♥ Eva ;
♥ Peksi ;
♥ Leslei
hello Sunshines ,

Its been a long long long time since we celebrate this right ? =D
Went lick hung and the school dint allow us in , so four of us went mamak and spare time there . Hong ordered some food and he was like joking with every single worker there , which was really gay . Dylan claim that he's on a diet so he said that he is not going to eat anything no matter what .

The food arrive
Dylan could not help it , so he ate almost the whole thing . ngahahahaha mission failed dylan !
Alyssa came after awhile and we went in school . The guard dint believe that we're going to find our teacher 'Cikgu Anuar' so he followed us everywhere , its like he's our personal security , i even told alyssa that i might consider hiring a private guard , NOT ! At last he found teacher in the teachers room , and he finally let us go , GODDAMMIT , its about time !
cikgu anuar
promoting some random stuff wtf
please don't take me away , my owner needs me here , private property WTF
We went off to the little kids class after that , and we made it real fast so that we wont get caught by the guard . I went and find me sister since she took my camera . FUCK IT. I hate her . She just got me into trouble again just now , uhh you wont want a younger sibling , who freaking wants one , no don't but i rather being a single child , end of sentence , no need commans in tagbox thank you every much .

sharmaine younger sister
the sibling
hahahaha i used to wear the yellow thingi ! Prefect kononnya

we got in real much trouble to get into school . I cant believe they don't let us in , so much for the money i gave you damn school . Its crazy i know =D
F=Fuck it
Went saa's house after that , i was really fun and those movies seriously creeps me out like eww . I still can imagine the two ghost movies OMG ewww i should never again watch any any any horror movie . So , whens the next meet up people ? =D

Great school totaly starts tomorow and i haven been to school this whole month yet which felt really good , i just hate school somehow . By the way i did something really bad in church class today , no i did not join the whole class guys who posses on the walk way but hear it .
Sean Me Alvin
Omg who the hell wanna study here la , why so hot wan today , i taugh private school's got air-condition? Maybe cause this is the cheapest private school around here
Yeah 10, 000 a year only right , i think alice smith is the most expansive wan
Alice Smith Internationaly school ? That wan is for rich stuck up kids , dont ever put your butt on their chair *annoyed face*
Shhhh , *soft voice & pointing hand* he's from alice smith la asshole
Fuck what the hell why you dint tell me , fuck you la my gosh
Eh alvin , your from alice smith right ?
Yeah , i am
So how much it is ?
Its 15,000 a term and there's 3 term in a year .
*Innocent face , thinking- you see he's rich and he's stuck up , so im freaking right ! *
See im right about the school . its around 50,000 a year , i would not wanna study there for sure . LOL i know im evil , sorry for all the private school students out there , i meant no harm (: School starts tomorow and i seriously haven been to school this month yet , kinda lazy to wake up but for the sake of the english drama , im going tomorow , only . Nights . xoxo .
turning to : Is that ok with you - Shane Ward
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