dat morning i follewed dem to a dim sum shop to hav breakfast
weeeeeeeeeeeeee~ i was so happy
bt when i reach thr the place iz nice the air iz fresh xP n their leng zhai wokers yay! haha
after several minutes the food came n guess werd it SUCK
im so sry but the food thr wasn't reli nice =/
im so sry but the food thr wasn't reli nice =/
i rather stay at home n slp longer den eating thr xD
later i the afternoon me n julia went shopping at subang parede ^^
owh luk we've been spot xD
i din get to buy ANYTHING bt jules bought a new top n bottom
yeeeee so lucky of her xP
cuz v went wiv her mom n her mom gt $$ n i dont TT
first v went into a shop name errm.... LOVE???
uhhh......yea love jules desided to try a pants
n i was sampat enough go follow her in the dressing room =B
haha guess which one she bought [black] [white] or [both] xD guess aje le
she was happy wiv her pants ^^
den v went to voir to luk luk see see la xD
suddenly a sales girl came n she luk so firmilier
hmm.....owh ya sook juin i din noe she was working thr
after v noe she works their v pun sikit malu nak tengok baju so 'phoff' v went away xD
v went in tribal spirit n guess wt the clothes their was A-W-E-S-O-M-E
tiz time i try some clothes as well
here take a pick ^^ ----
ku many many hearts closthes ni
yeah she iz pendek xD
sry if itz ofensive abit over much lalated edi right xD
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i many many love her
[bright] vs [dark] [sweat wear] vs [lala wear]
we've been in the changing room for a reli reli long time
luckily the sales person nvr cum n halau us
orelse sure will malu sia xD
okie okie last pic ;)
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