i've oni started learning for lyk 1 or 2 months since i skip many classes for mamamia traning
still noob wan xD
Drumstick =)
After 30 minutes of drum lesson i came out n guess hu i bum into
TZI YING !!!!!!!!
when i saw her i was lyk OMGGG
iz tiz true someone hit me xD
it was reli my beloved dear TZI YING
i was lyk screaming....tzi ying xD
she lookz quite shock too =)
Since our parents wasn't hear yet
The owner of braodway music skul brought usto a drum whr thr was an beautiful organ n two guitar one classical n one electronik
Den he started demo the beautiful organ xD
me n tzi ying was so shock when v heard dat it was only RM1500 wow datz cheap for a pwetty organ xD
he played the organ n lovely music fill up the room
i was so in love wiv the music xD
den he left us two alone
me n tzi ying tried to figure out how to use dat beautiful organ n tzi ying started playing
Tzi ying playing the beautiful organ pro-ly xD
me "holding" the guitar xD
me n sweet sweet sweet! tzi ying ^^
Tzi ying n ku di braodway music school
since im already talking bout tzi ying i wanna continue n say some thingz bout her ^^
Claire Ma Tzi Ying is the sweetest girl i've ever met in my entire life
i noe her when i went to koir n we were even closer when v were at choral fest
bt when i heard she was moving to penang cuz of her mom's work my whole heart drop T-T
i am reli reli gonna miss u girl everybody is ^^
if u dont belive she'z the sweetest girl ever ask everybody around i mean EVERYBODY xP
she'z reli sweet reli friendly reli pwetty reli cute n hawt haha
i reli want u to stay tzi ying plz plz plz plz plz dont move to penang T-T
after all the sweet memories dat v hav together for oni 1 year den ur moving to penang....
so sad lerhs....i bet choir mambers r crying if u leave for penang...
tiz r some of the pic n sweet memories v hav together :----

These r the memories of the 5th annual choral fest i reli reli luv choral fest b'cuz v make more frenz
n v meet many gud koirs from other state's especially SAM TET xD
i still rmb how v use to adore samtet koir so much n v were also cald the hairband gang
how u use to wake up early n den went bac to our dorm late at night
summore go to mamak n yam cha wiv stv[samtet voices]people n also gt basterd by teacher after dat =.="
but it was reli fun n choral fest also let me noe more bout u so i nvr regret going ^^
N tiz is the memories during mamamia tzi ying was so darn beautiful dat two dayzshe look gud on stage xD
mamamia is one of the best expirence all of us had
although all the practise was tired but itz still worth it cuz every single koir member had fun =)
when everyone was puting on makeup i sudd say to tzi ying about y band mambers hate us so much n y dey think v hate dem xD
den our ex president carmen leong said it was a history dat started years ago in smk seafield
me n tzi ying was lyk O.o xD den afterdat v went n put makeup ^^

Tiz was after mamamia musical v had a party at usj6 condo swimming poolit was a lot off fun after a few spechess everybody make a cicle n dance around the room
when dey start playing abba's song
after dat me tzi ying n some other frenz went to the baby pool n v played water
v arn't reli wet bt our foot was =)
although everybody was sad cuz tzi ying iz gona move to penang
but v still act happy n enjoy all the time v still hav wiv her
let her feel 1 last time as a koir family mamber
we will welcome u bac to koir anytime
because ur one off us and alwiz welcome home =)
Tzi ying my best friend and my dear x)
the sweetest person i've evr met
come back to seafield when u hav the time
nvr ever forget us
koir mambers as a family will alwiz love u
n also nt forgeting xi yuin dey all
all of us love ya gurl =)
so make sure u must come bac once a while to visit us kye ;)
1 comment:
I miss you so much. 8 years in Sydney is too long.
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