Cartoon Network AVERY MOLO X MAS
lol den me see yee n wei minn went "hunting" for forever love ring n also big shades
bt it came out v've found nth
nt long a fone call from lydia darl~ came said dat everyone is thr already
so we went to the cinema n collect our book ticket
itz seriously CHEAP ppl xD
it only costs RM7 ler
lalala~~~ guess wt movie v watch
v bought a row that contain 12 seats n "gang gang hou" enoght xD
Some of the bee movie ticket
after dat a few of us went to ramen iciban n ate our lunch
all the passer-by'z was lyk luking at us aje so weird weih
be4 the pic was taken :-
After 12 models came in n do thier thing xD
take 3 last pic ppl pose nicer xD :-
muahahahaha~~ tiz pic nice right xD cuz kami semua posers
we went to a shop full wiv high heals cuz tak jadi cari vinci so v went in thr
thr was a shoe everybody reli reli love bt u noe wt
itz costs RM89.90 dat iz almost RM90.00 siapa ada duit beli
before the shot:
take three *im gona miss u tzi ying =)* :
me n wei minn aka lolipop [black vs grey] x)
im so much taller den her xD
i think *hope* the salesgirl dint notice dat v r ss-ing inside cuz v were lyk seriously long when v went in the fitting room
aiya tapi takut apa itu buapakku punya kedai so tak perlu takut kena marah xD
well itz already around 6 o'clock many ppl r going bac edi
so v started ss again
typical malaysian girls la everywhr everytime aso will ss wan
btw ppl hu dont noe wt ss means itz means syok sendiri ^^
after dat wen lee,yee lei,lydia,ah giaw n see yee went bac home
after dey went bac tzi ying xi yuin me n lolipop went to starkbucks n rest
when v were at starbucks the table beside us were too guyz
nt long later tzi ying xi yuin bryan n seng kiat went home
den me n lolipop went shopping again
tiz time v 2 manage to get clothes xD den my dad cald n v went home.
Today was a quite fun n exciting day cuz i saw tzi ying again
hope to c her soon =)
kkz gtg for nw ppl i"ll blog as soon as posoble ^^
owh ya be4 i forgotan
ah giaw n lydia was the cpl of the day xD dey were the only cpl among us
they were so sweet *awww*
kkz i'll stop here ppl cuz i gtg slp de
i blog tiz till 2 sumthing in da morning
so ciaoz ppl gud nitez mwuah ^^
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