u c itz beautifully jam right xD
it was already so jam in subang imagine how would it be at KL O.o
den v went to pick up see yee sister beautiful fren
she brought along many many many beautiful map so dat v wont beautifully sesat along the way xD

follow the way n maybe just maybe u wont get beautifully sesat
wiv so many beautiful map helping us i din think dat v will beautifully get sesat bt mana tahu v beautifully sesat 'ABIT'
me n beautiful see yee ss sikit along the beautiful long trip
check out see yee beautiful bag!!!!
a closetup to the beautiful bag "don't even ask" beautiful xD
macam mana nak beautifully pay toll when drive =.= Touch n Go la as easy as dat =D

wait wait stop the car i spot ma beautiful wang lee hom
after around lyk an beautiful hour v reach the beautiful book fair
v reach beautifully around 11 sumthing den v went n bought the beautiful ticket for the beautiful entrence
the ticket is beautiful right xD
bt bt bt v so cald childrens are free so v dont needa pay or giv a single penney
was beautifully happy dunnnid to spend money yet x)
when i went in it wasn't reli much beautiful ppl

30 % off for mambers wth i shud hav becum a member
wiv less beautiful ppl itz easier to c the beautiful books
be4 i reach the students book area a beautiful white grand piano caught my beautiful atentionwow it was so beautiful xD
u tengok dia punya price la lagi 'beutiful'
'beautiful' right =.=" so mahal
here a little beautiful story books i saw bt takda duit beli all cuz it was beautifully expansive T-T
kalau ku gt money i'll buy all =D
so kalau ada siapa gitu rich buy 4 me those beautiful book la THX !!!!! xP
its was all beautiful chinese book cuz itz from beautiful china so thr will be a beautiful transalation by beautiful me xDD
"The Angel Knows I Love Him"
"I Love You""Girls Who Don't Wear Skrit" (datz me xD)
"This Cool Prince Is Mine"
"She He He He" chinese translate-"ta he ta he ta he ta " xD complicated much
"The School Without Love,Love is a Crime In School"
"Practise For Love" buy this book ppl u must practise before u love XD
Acually itz sepost to be beautiful LING YU ZHONG hu peform bt bt i came the wrong day
insteed thr was all the beautiful "che ling " comp
itz only for beautiful primary students dey were beautifully small bt so beautifully keng O.O
dey luk small n cute right XD

fly beautiful "che ling " fly
during the beautiful comp i saw a beautiful small boy hu is in the beautiful comp too
i think he is around std 3 bt i highlight he'z hair n gt two beautiful percing O.o
i feel in love wiv a small kid small kid xD
damn yeng weih
owh ya i beautifully saw sumthing reli reli reli cute xD
ngahahahaha beautifully cute right xDDaround 1 sumthing me n beautiful see yee went outside cuz it was kinda stuffy in thr
beautifully ss-ing on de way out
look at the beautiful clear fresh air outside wow so beautifully green *stop* i spot a beautiful bus
wtz a beautiful bus doing here n it was a school bus
owhx i was a school beautiful pancaragam i thought i sepose to be a book fair
wiv the beautiful pancaragam blasting the hall =.="
itz nt gona beautifully peacefull
although it was beautifully gud i am still SSB suporter so cald la xDD
(maybe i wanna join nx year hmm...maybe la nt cuz i lyk the ppl thr i hate dem bt iz cuz get to ponteng gao gao n i luv music =D)
me n beautiful see yee went in the beautiful shopping mall to hav lunch
v ate at uncle john beautiful kopitiam
the food thr was "okye" la nt so bad
i ate a beautiful toast =D
me n beautiful see yee share a beautiful drink dat is ice lemon coke
u c how dey mix the lemon n the coke together beautifully amazing right xDafter lunch v din decide to go bac to the beautiful shu zhang yet
insteed v went shopping at the baeutifull shopping mall
the first beautiful store dat v went in was a beautiful glowing shop
yea a beautiful glowing shop their beautiful clothes was all lyk beautifully glowing xD
beautifully amazing right xD im still wondering y wud ppl do a glow in dark shirtfinally v beautifully saw shop dat caught our beutiful atention so v went in
n it was a seriously 'lala' shop xD
bt v beautifully manage to find sum nt dat 'lala' clothes
ma fav colour green =D luv it beutifully love it
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