oh hot damn
this is my jam
keep me partay until the a.m.
your don't understand
make me put my hand up in the air air air air
Vincent surprise party was held at u6 new court last night . We had a barbecue party , and it seems most of the people had fun . All the form 5 are just emm yeah acting non-form 5 LOL OK i don't know what I'm saying . I got there around 7 : 30 and the BBQ thing is not working yet when the party is starting at 8 .
But it manage to get done , and everybody hid everywhere so that we can walk out together ans wish Vincent a happy birthday , but i guess the plan failed but well it turns out great too . Carlson just totally ruin the cake by smashing his whole head into the cake LOL
Lastly , i wanna wish Vincent Ng a happy 17th birthday , and a good luck to your spm (: Take care of simone leong . Pictures !
loh wei minn
picture perfect at a Kodak moment
jo jo nee , tokkie tokkie , si bin bin
fake smiless

We'll meet at the next post . xoxo . Nights !
turning to : FM Static - Tonight