How do you advise people out there who feel like dancing but they don't have the guts to ?
If you can walk you can dance!
Don't be afraid to move your body!
Sim Li trying to teach the three guys
After 2 short days which is 4 hours of practise ONLY , here we go the important day , imagine if you forgot your steps in front of the broadcast , you'll be like so embarrass , EVERYBODY understands that don't you ? Well from my point of view , all 20 of us did really great , it was a really great experience , and i would definitely love to do it again .
With different races and dances that 20 of us pick up , we've combine salsa and hip-hop which is extremely fun and a little difficult i admit 100 per cent LOL ! But anyhow good well done to all of the highly recommended people , you guys rock !
shot 4
shot 6
interview section
principle and teachers of dance world
I would love love love to do more of this , but time seems to be the problem , well life's goes on , school tomorrow , till than , night . xoxo .
turning to : Kelly clarkson - moment like this
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