Thank you for showing be ,
that __ &__&__&__&__&__&__&__cannot be trusted
Hello munchkins !
Thanks for the SARSI , be careful on your way home ! Yeah i totally got sarsi on my head today , me and seafield don't get along anyway , i was just planning to die there since my ass parents don't even know anything about me . Wan change school aa , go USJ 8 or USJ 12 la FUCK YOU LA USJ8 ! I don't wanna start smoking , clubbing and get caught up by police in the middle of the night because that's what the school ever do !
I'm just seriously not in the mood now , my parents obviously HATE ME , my friends obviously thinks that I DON'T FIT IN BECAUSE I'M NOT WITH THEM DURING RECESS , my personal problems is obviously getting on the freaking nerve that i can no longer stay in this attitude that people want me to be , how the hell can i control my temper anymore ?
Why am i trying to be someone that i don't even know , its been like so many months already . Enough is enough , I'm not gonna be that person i don't even know just so that my so called friends who are still talking shits behind my back would love me . I don't even know who the hell i am anymore , thanks for the advise sis but stop .
Sneaking behind my back doing this and that , thinking I'm a dumb fool that i wont find out , lying to me every moment , using me just so you can get that similar person to be at your house/party/location . I'm not your freaking barbie doll , thanks to church, i tried to control my temper which is totally out of control now , yeah i totally just cant get rid of my freaking attitude .
Just so you know I'm born like that , wan me to change in that short period of time ? Dream on babe ! Not gonna happen ! I notice that no body's perfect now , i finally understand that . What if i took out my old picture and ask everyone would you be my friend if i still look like this ? I bet everybody will say yes , but deep down they wont even talk to me , maybe don't even know i exits at all .
I just wanna be alone for now . I'll calm down as soon i know everything .
p/s - This post is pointing to everyone i know
pp/s - Skip it if you want , don't question or spam my chat box
ppp/s - I still love all of you, but all this bull shit is just what I'm thinking
pppp/s - Good luck to all form 2's on the sejarah camp , you all will do great
Loves , Renee . Goodnight . xoxo
turning to : David Archuleta - Crush
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