SY's birthday was on the 23rd of Aug and me and all of her closest friends, all together with her sisters friends and their family, celebrated her birthday at a cafe. It was lots of fun, and i hope SY enjoyed her night (: I'm sorry girls for updating my blog really late because Internet was being a big bitch. Here are all 189 pictures we took that day, ENJOY :D feel free to grab the pictures too!
toodles (:
I know, i know. Its alot of pictures, but i'm really lazy to type anything, plus i'm late for tuition. Pray that i'll update my blog soon (:
Although its a little late, here's a little belated post for you, SY (:
We knew each other as we were in the same class. We went through everything together back then when we both were form 1. We spend every breathing moment together, we were the bestest friends back than.
We knew each other as we were in the same class. We went through everything together back then when we both were form 1. We spend every breathing moment together, we were the bestest friends back than.

teacher's day 2007
2007 During Chinese New Year (:

jay chou's concert (:
your birthday 2008 (:
& many more.
You've always been there for me. Helping me. Supporting me. Every time when i fall down, you'll be there, giving me the strength the stand back up. Every time i cry, you'll always be there to cheer me up. Every time we fight, you always take the first step to forgive me. Although everything had changed, although everything is really different right now, although we aren't bestest friends anymore, although we don't share secrets anymore, although we don't hang out as often anymore, i'll always cherish the time we had. I'll always remember what we've been through. I'll always remember that you've always been there when i needed a shoulder to lye on. I'll always remember you, as my best friend. I'm really sorry for all the misunderstandings between us, i hope that our friendship will grow stronger and stronger till we have the chance the be like how we used too. I will never forget the time we've spend together (: Lastly, thank you so much for all the memories, best friend (: Once again,
A million love songs later ♥
Signing off.
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