I bet most of you are wondering and all frustrated over your new years resolution for 2010. Doesn't it sound awesome, the year 2010. I'm eagerly waiting for 2010 to arrive with an open heart, I'm finally turning 16. Although 16 still isn't a legal age in Malaysia, but its really exciting finally turning a year older. Minus all the extra wrinkles we'll be getting as we grow older, but the experience and knowledge we gain as the year goes by, its just the kind of feeling words just cant seem to express.
I'm finally stepping out of junior high school, hoping senior high would turn out exactly what i expected for. I'm not putting too high hopes that all those bitching and gossiping will end cause it definitely dint end for the fours this year (: But, hopefully it'll all come to an end. We all had enough of it this year. No matter what, i still cant wait for a whole new year (:
Well, lets recap on what happened this year. Since it was PMR year, i dint exactly go out as often as I did 2 years back. Throughout the whole year, I've been staying at home, studying, since the beginning of the year. Most of you might think its really nerdy of me to do that, but i wasn't born smart or a fast learner like many of you, so i have to put in effort in order to achieve good results, not like many of you who said "close one eye also can get straight A's" I, personally, do not believe that theory would last a lifetime.
5..4...3...2..1... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I see fireworks on the sky, along with everyone spraying others with cans of snows. I was surrounded by my friends, all welcoming 2009 with joy. I had tons of new years resolution for 2009, and i guess i achieve most of it too (:

School started in a blink of an eye. I wasn't really eager in getting back to school since i really, really don't look forward to more prefect duty. Many of you wonder why, although i hate being a prefect so much, i have no intentions in quiting. I joined the prefectorial board under the encouragement of a discipline teacher plus there's a confirmed certificate at the end of school years. Wtf. No matter how much i dislike being a prefect, I cannot deny that i really love how crazy are my prefect friends :D

A few weeks later, it was Chinese new year. As usual, many of us will return to our hometown to meet up with all of our cousins which we mostly only meet once a year. Well, i do.
After returning from my hometown, we had a little gathering over at SY's house (:
A few weeks later, it was Chinese new year. As usual, many of us will return to our hometown to meet up with all of our cousins which we mostly only meet once a year. Well, i do.
After returning from my hometown, we had a little gathering over at SY's house (:
School went on as usual and IU night came around. Finally a night to loosen up and get away from all the books. I attended SU IR & our very own seafield Leo IU too. It was both really great nights (: Btw, i apologize for not being a big help in Leo this year. I was too caught up with all of my tuition and extra activities.
I was really into choir this year. The reason i dint join choir's musical is because i missed out on the auditions since I was really busy that day. It happened to me two years back as well, i was caught between my dance exam, choir auditions and scouts camp fire night. Wtf. I guess its not my fate to be in school musicals (:
Choir was really a big part of me. I was in almost every practise every Friday and Saturday. I remembered i had yoga classes every Saturday morning and I had to rush to choir straight after that since yoga ended at 10. But, i dint feel tired at all. In fact, i was really happy to attend choir every week. I entered competitions and also participate in the Malaysia Choral Eisteddfod which was freaking awesome. Although it wasn't held at a grand hall nor did we stay in a hostel together, but the experience was really great :D
We get to meet new people and students who share the exact same interest as us. And the Philippines choir was extremely awesome, they were really friendly as well. Hopefully we'll be seeing them again. Choir is definitely, no doubt a big part of my life this year (:

I participated in form 3's pre-confirmation camp as well. It turned out really great. Although i dint receive any gift from God like many of you did, wtf, but maybe its just not my time yet.

Cant believe we're receiving confirmation real soon (:
Choir was really a big part of me. I was in almost every practise every Friday and Saturday. I remembered i had yoga classes every Saturday morning and I had to rush to choir straight after that since yoga ended at 10. But, i dint feel tired at all. In fact, i was really happy to attend choir every week. I entered competitions and also participate in the Malaysia Choral Eisteddfod which was freaking awesome. Although it wasn't held at a grand hall nor did we stay in a hostel together, but the experience was really great :D
We get to meet new people and students who share the exact same interest as us. And the Philippines choir was extremely awesome, they were really friendly as well. Hopefully we'll be seeing them again. Choir is definitely, no doubt a big part of my life this year (:

I participated in form 3's pre-confirmation camp as well. It turned out really great. Although i dint receive any gift from God like many of you did, wtf, but maybe its just not my time yet.

I also took part in CF rally, as usual. Pray Until Something Happen - PUSH.

I cannot doubt that last year was so much better, no offence (:

After like so many months not seeing my best friend since forever, Alyssa. We've finally met up at Lee Hom's concert, which was effin awesome! :D

Stayed at her house along with jia en (:

Many of our friends decided to skip PMR and study at Ace Adventure this year, well more of them are going there next year. Btw, i just wanna get something clear. I've check online and it turns out that SPM and O-levels are almost the same! Its not that i don't know this, i just wanted to confirm it. Its just that you need to pay to sit for O-levels and since SPM is a government examination, so its free. Wtf. You still need the same qualifications to enter a collage, so please, don't act like you're really smart for sitting O-levels, cause its bloody the same. Lol :D
So, they had a carnival in their school and the main attraction was their ghost house. I enter it twice for god sake. I was really scared at first, but during the second time, I was taking picture the whole time I was in the ghost house, and it turned out to be really funny :D
Li Teng (:
It was scouts camp fire on the exact same night Ace was having their carnival.

I think i celebrated my birthday somewhere around this time. I love my birthday celebrations every year (:

my awesome twin/best friend ♥

not so stewpid ♥
Many of our friends decided to skip PMR and study at Ace Adventure this year, well more of them are going there next year. Btw, i just wanna get something clear. I've check online and it turns out that SPM and O-levels are almost the same! Its not that i don't know this, i just wanted to confirm it. Its just that you need to pay to sit for O-levels and since SPM is a government examination, so its free. Wtf. You still need the same qualifications to enter a collage, so please, don't act like you're really smart for sitting O-levels, cause its bloody the same. Lol :D
So, they had a carnival in their school and the main attraction was their ghost house. I enter it twice for god sake. I was really scared at first, but during the second time, I was taking picture the whole time I was in the ghost house, and it turned out to be really funny :D

I think i celebrated my birthday somewhere around this time. I love my birthday celebrations every year (:
I couldn't forget the moment when Matthew asked me if I was attending JY's surprise birthday party. My heart shattered when i thought my friends had forgotten my birthday. I was really down throughout the week and i wasn't feeling any better on my birthday.
Since my classmates were celebrating with me that day, I really had a lot of fun and had forgotten the fact that my friends had forgotten my birthday. I enjoyed every second i was with my classmates :D

Until the party ended around the evening, i started thinking about it again. Although i had tons of fun with my classmates, i still couldn't accept the fact that my friends actually forgotten my birthday. WTF. After celebrating with my family, we went out for dinner.
Our so called dinner in KL ended up at shaujin's house. They dint forget my birthday after all (:
the not so stewpid and matthew.
my awesome twin/best friend ♥
Everything continued with Leo Instalation.

Lydia's farewell. I've miss the SLR so much before this farewell. It really came to a point in my life where I had no one to turn too. I had so many problems in studies as well as friendship. Had major trouble with the girls (bummer) , was really frustrated with prefect duties, and i couldn't understand a single thing I was studying. My life practically fell apart back then, I had basicly no friends nor courage to over come the situation.

I hind in the room and cried every night, wondering where had i gone wrong. Was I taking the wrong path in my life? Why is my life falling apart just like that? I wondered and cried, i even convince my mom to change me to a different school, every night, because i couldn't take the presure anymore. I tend to turn, and walk out whenever i had no one to turn too. No one was there for me at that point. It was really devastating.
After many church camps and classes plus the day on Lydia's farewell, I slowly found myself back. My confidence level was slowly building up again. Everything was falling back into place once I change my perspective in life. I grew to be more self-confident, stepping out of the immature life style. Although my life had turned a lot simpler compare to a few months back, but i got my friends back and my studies was back on track, and I'm definitely much happier person now (:
Then, there was World stage 2009.

It continued with SY's birthday.

Its funny how your best friend has the same name as you do. You've no idea how many ups and down we're been through together. We used to be close friends, then we had some issues, and lately, we got back together again. I've missed you so much back then, and now, finally we're great friends again. All 5 of us, are finally back together, after so many high and low. Our golden friendship, will definitely, last a life time (: hee! Nooby ass :D
After so many practises, choir's footloose production turned out to be huge success! I loved every second of it (:

Wait, WHAT? Its the celebration of Yee Lei's birthday! :D Who happens to be one of my closest friends in form 4 (: Her surprise party was really successful :D

Lydia's farewell. I've miss the SLR so much before this farewell. It really came to a point in my life where I had no one to turn too. I had so many problems in studies as well as friendship. Had major trouble with the girls (bummer) , was really frustrated with prefect duties, and i couldn't understand a single thing I was studying. My life practically fell apart back then, I had basicly no friends nor courage to over come the situation.

I hind in the room and cried every night, wondering where had i gone wrong. Was I taking the wrong path in my life? Why is my life falling apart just like that? I wondered and cried, i even convince my mom to change me to a different school, every night, because i couldn't take the presure anymore. I tend to turn, and walk out whenever i had no one to turn too. No one was there for me at that point. It was really devastating.

Then, there was World stage 2009.
It continued with SY's birthday.
After so many practises, choir's footloose production turned out to be huge success! I loved every second of it (:
Wait, WHAT? Its the celebration of Yee Lei's birthday! :D Who happens to be one of my closest friends in form 4 (: Her surprise party was really successful :D
SMK Seafield was having our very own carnival! Having like the best class in the world, we did our very own ghost house, which was, AWESOME! Freaking successful okay! Unlike most of the classes who only sold food, boring! Wtf.

After all the fun, it was time to study for PMR.
I skipped school almost everyday for almost 2 months to stay home and study for all the up coming examinations. I just cant believe i could actually sit at the same spot everyday and study for almost 8 hours daily plus, all the tuitions. WTF! I seriously dint know i spend so much time studying until PMR actually ended and i have NOTHING to do.
Besides going yam cha everyday, i did spend a lot of time with the stewpids as well (: Being a very loyal ex B class member, i joined their trip to lagoon and had tons of fun (:

Then, 3A had a trip to genting which was freaking awesome as well.

All American Rejects Concert (:
Shaujin's birthday.

Sleepover at the best friend's place! (:

Student Exchange Japan.

Its awesome how I get along with everyone just fine.
Its awesome how I could share my secrets with them.
Its awesome how we could talk non-stop although it was the first day meeting each other.
Its awesome how we were all like best friends.
Its awesome how we share the same interest.
Its awesome how I feel so comfortable around you guys.
Its awesome how we invented ALT.
Its awesome how God let us all meet in Japan.
Took results during Christmas eve, score 7A. Babi unexpected. All my hard work paid off after all (:
Christmas at RW's

Sleepover at the best friend's place! (:

Student Exchange Japan.

Its awesome how I get along with everyone just fine.
Its awesome how I could share my secrets with them.
Its awesome how we could talk non-stop although it was the first day meeting each other.
Its awesome how we were all like best friends.
Its awesome how we share the same interest.
Its awesome how I feel so comfortable around you guys.
Its awesome how we invented ALT.
Its awesome how God let us all meet in Japan.
Took results during Christmas eve, score 7A. Babi unexpected. All my hard work paid off after all (:
Christmas at RW's

We, the stewpids practically meet up almost everyday over at someone's place. We also had sleepover almost every week, and never once, was it boring (: One of the best part of the year was that 5 of us finally bond again. It awesome how we became so close after going through so effin many difficulties in our friendship. I guess friendships do last a lifetime (: I know its gonna be hard for us all to keep in touch next year, but no one can stop our awesome friendship. You guys are the best thing that had happen to me this year. No matter what fate decides, no matter how the future turns out, we'll always be the not so stewpids ♥ ♥
Apart from all the stuff i've been doing throughout the year, 2009 have open up my eyes to many new things. Another year has gone by, it doesn't mean i'm gonna stop and relax. There's still a long, long journey ahead of me. 2010 will definitely be a great year for all of us, i hope i'll make the right decisions along the way and hopefully, nothing will bring me down. No matter how hard is it to reach to the top, I still have to make my way, avoiding all the opsticals in life, and have a bright future ahead of me. Its the last 24 hours of 2009, there's a lot for me to leave behind, but there's also things which i'll bring to the new year, 2010. Enjoy your very last hour of 2009, as I will for mine. I'll end this post by hoping you guys will have a great ending for the last hours of 2009 & of course wishing everyone,
Much love, Renee Tok.
2009 officially ended (:
2009 officially ended (: