Its 2010 ! (:

As I was standing on the roof top, waiting for the fireworks to start, it was just 10 minutes away till the end of 2009 and a whole new beginning of 2010. Together with the stewpids & the other friends, I was wondering how fast time passes. In a blink of an eye PMR ended, and now, I'm standing here, awaiting for a whole new year, already. Looking at all of my friends, we've come so far since 3 years back, its great how all of us can be such close buddies now. Looking back when it was just the first day of school during 2007, we were all once strangers, but now, we're all together, eagerly awaiting for a whole new beginning of 2010.
Can you believe we've been friends for almost four years already? Everything really seems like it just happened yesterday, don't you think so? Well, i definitely do (:
Its 2010 ! (:
As I was standing on the roof top, waiting for the fireworks to start, it was just 10 minutes away till the end of 2009 and a whole new beginning of 2010. Together with the stewpids & the other friends, I was wondering how fast time passes. In a blink of an eye PMR ended, and now, I'm standing here, awaiting for a whole new year, already. Looking at all of my friends, we've come so far since 3 years back, its great how all of us can be such close buddies now. Looking back when it was just the first day of school during 2007, we were all once strangers, but now, we're all together, eagerly awaiting for a whole new beginning of 2010.
Can you believe we've been friends for almost four years already? Everything really seems like it just happened yesterday, don't you think so? Well, i definitely do (:
Before it was only seconds away from 2010, me and the girls did some shopping & watched a movie as well (:
After DX came and pick ru wen, me and the girls went fullhouse for a drink since the movie isn't starting till 7.

We chatted and had a little snack. Then, we had a little walk around the shop. It was really pretty cause it's really white!
We watched,
Alvin and the Chipmunks!
Chipmunks and chippets wtf.

Chipmunks and chippets wtf.
The movie was just alright, not to say extremely funny but i really love the movie. Wanna know why? :D :D :D Cause charice pempengco was a guest performer on the movie! Wondering who's charice pempengco? She's a singing sensation from the Philippines and she's really, really extremely awesome! I discovered her on youtube beginning of the year, and i'm like her number one fan now!
Since there was like 20 minutes left till the end of 2009, we decided to go to the roof top to see the fireworks, well welcoming a new beginning (: But, we got lost in our way! Wtf. We took a lift till the highest floor and it was totally dark! We step out of the lift and walk to find our way to the roof top. After a few minutes, we noticed that we took the wrong way! We were all standing in the dark, scared! Finally the lift arrived and we all rushed into the lift! LOL.

We all toast and hugged, as we put 2009 in the past and welcome 2010 into our life. As I was watching the fireworks, my heart felt the joy, i dint fell the emptiness in me, that unexpected joy I felt, definitely gave me a good filling about 2010. Although many of us are heading towards different directions this year, but I hope, the bond between our friendship will never end. No matter how hard life may get, don't forget, that your love ones are always supporting you in silence. Not forgetting, that you'll never be alone because, God's always there with you (:
There were many bittersweet moments in my life during 2009. But, i know, its time to close the book for 2009, and start a whole new chapter for 2010. Its time to walk into a whole new direction in life, I'm finally turning 16! (: A step closer into moving towards independence, the adult world. The real world is cold and harsh, but when you choose to live free from others opinion, you'll find it easier to live a happier life (:
Making a decision for a definite situation has always been a huge problem for teenagers. Many of us cannot decide between science stream and art stream, netherless when you're about to decide the rights and the wrongs in life. But no matter what decision you make in life, don't regret nor look back. Always have the determination to change into a better person, and keep walking, towards a brighter future. I'm here, wishing all of you a great 2010 ahead of you. Don't let little problems bring you down and always, always, remember to be thankful for what you have in life. Alright, enough with the talking, may 2010 be an awesome year for all of us alright?
Much love, Renee Tok..
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