" I'm waiting for my driver and he's totally late! "
" Just hire your dad's secretary to help you complete your homework, it's not a crime "
*Double OMG!*
" Oh My Goodness! Its so freaking HOT! I feel like I'm in a fucking government school now "
" Just hire your dad's secretary to help you complete your homework, it's not a crime "
*Double OMG!*
" Oh My Goodness! Its so freaking HOT! I feel like I'm in a fucking government school now "
Welcome to the life where pampered kids with rich father, live their luxurious life with over paid maids and personal lawyers. I felt damn terrible when the girl said that, because government school is effin awesome, okay!
How was your first week of school? I apologize a million times that i dint inform you guys i was changing school because it was seriously a last minute arrangement, you have no idea how rushed i was getting their school uniform as well as buying their school books. I miss seafield like crazy, of course i do! (: But, my new school isn't that bad itself.
It feels really weird being at a totally new school with practically no friends at all. No one to show you around, no one to hang out with during lunch -___- FML to the max. I dint even thought about those things when i was preparing for school. Most of us have our own bunch of friends since form 1, and i bet you normally don't invite new kids into your "group" so i was extremely worried on the first day of school.
I was so anxious when i walked into the hall with all the NON familiar faces, i felt butterflies in my tummy that time. Damn scared lor can! Finally, as i was walking, i saw Carissa! What a relief. We were friends back then during dance class :D First day of school turned out to be so much better than i expected. Hopefully the awkwardness for me in the new school would decrease day by day. hee :D
Something i really, really dislike about the school is the fact that they're using different text book which are extremely heavy -___-

I hope that I'll blend in just well with the students over there. Going to school still creeps me out sometimes, hopefully it'll all end soon. And, it does feel extremely weird being a new student during your senior year.
Went over to Jin's place yesterday for her bro's farewell? Okay, non of us know her bro, so basically we just went there to have a little catch up session (: Missed the stewpids like crazy after a week long of not meeting them. School feels extremely weird without them around :( :( We talked about school and some other stuff, had lots of fun! (:

Although we're all in different school's now, but we'll definitely still hang out often have share basically everything that happened in our life together! (: I miss you girls. Can't wait to see you girls soon! :D
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