Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stop being so Obsess

time passes so fast that your all grown up looking hot now

Computer geeks LOL hey !
before i start any thing , happy birthday to

Yap Ker Xin
Teh Aik Hui
and Kiew Yee Pei (:

Great as so many phone's were taken and given back , I'm gonna get scolded big time if pn heng ever bring it up . ' Why dint you tell me so many of your friends bring phone ? I still don't see any changes in your gang ' bla-bla-bla and she would go on for hours . Great just great , getting blame for other people mistake is great isn't it ? NOT !

To you out there somewhere in this tiny world - Stop being all around touching , body contact with other guys in school while you've already have the love . It makes you look extremely cheap and no class like TAK DA CLASS . Not forgetting super despo OMG !

I hate people who smoke , like its so smelly , you have ugly teeth + yellow teeth and super bad breath . I understand if guys smoke but girl ? NO-NO a total turn off babe . Its alright if you keep it to yourself when you smoke , there's no purpose to tell the whole damn world your a freaking smoker . Damn girl ! Get a life , uhh ! But anyhow IDC .

Till Than xoxo (:

turning to : Jordin Sparks - One step at a time

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