tagged by Alyssa . Voon Li Teng . Yat Kuan
Complete the tag below.
Tag 10 people.
Notify them intheir chatbox that they've been tagged.
Question Answer
Complete the tag below.
Tag 10 people.
Notify them intheir chatbox that they've been tagged.
Question Answer
1.The last person to tagged you are ??
Alyssa ! Voon Li Teng ! Yat Kuan !
Alyssa ! Voon Li Teng ! Yat Kuan !
2. Your relationship with him/her?
Best friends , friends , close friend
Best friends , friends , close friend
3. Your 5 impression towards him/her?
Sweet , chindian , my best friend since std one , kind , LOUD hahaha
Sweet , chindian , my best friend since std one , kind , LOUD hahaha
speak super fast , funny , great listener , talll ! mom's a designer
i dint like form 1's , but she's different =D , a supportive choir member , would make a great sister hahaha yat kuan x) , friendly
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?
being my friend (:
being my friend (:
nothing yet ? haha
see the good side of me
5. The most memorable words that he/she has say to you?
ily <3
ily <3
im damn lame hahaha
hmmm im not sure
6.If he/she become ur lover ,you will
7.If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
i'll treat them like how i treat people i dislike
i'll treat them like how i treat people i dislike
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
their gender !
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
backstab (:
their gender !
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
backstab (:
10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is...
meet them , as my great friends
meet them , as my great friends
11. Overall impression towards him/her is...
best friend ever
best friend ever
funny hahah
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
they'll think i have atituid problem and start rumours about me , oh wait they already did ! *jups up and down and scream yay*
13.The characters for you for yourself is?
im somehow trying to be a whole another person so that people wont spread silly things about me , nor wanna be my friend . They always say i have them but they're still talking behind my back , im a human girl , i know what are girls thinking .
they'll think i have atituid problem and start rumours about me , oh wait they already did ! *jups up and down and scream yay*
13.The characters for you for yourself is?
im somehow trying to be a whole another person so that people wont spread silly things about me , nor wanna be my friend . They always say i have them but they're still talking behind my back , im a human girl , i know what are girls thinking .
14.On contrary, the characters you hate of yourself is?
I cannot be accepted by my friends by who i really am , and im trying to be someone im not
I cannot be accepted by my friends by who i really am , and im trying to be someone im not
15 . The most ideal person you want to be is?
my real self who can be accepted by people around me
16.For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them
I love you too (:
17 .Chocolate or ice-cream?
18. 10 people to tag.
1) Nicholas lim
2) ma tzi ying
3)shaun chien
4) simone leong
5) nicholas ng
6)seng yee leng
7) justin wong
8) hng jia en
9) yu cin
10) yee ann ann
my real self who can be accepted by people around me
16.For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them
I love you too (:
17 .Chocolate or ice-cream?
18. 10 people to tag.
1) Nicholas lim
2) ma tzi ying
3)shaun chien
4) simone leong
5) nicholas ng
6)seng yee leng
7) justin wong
8) hng jia en
9) yu cin
10) yee ann ann
( i know some off them dont have a blog )
According to the person that you tag-
19. Who is number 2 having a relationship with? Ma Tzi Ying
good question , i really don't know
20. Is number 3 a male or a female? Shuan Chien
his a male
According to the person that you tag-
19. Who is number 2 having a relationship with? Ma Tzi Ying
good question , i really don't know
20. Is number 3 a male or a female? Shuan Chien
his a male
21.If number 7 and 10 got together, would that be a good thing? justin wong , yee ann ann
hmmm their actually seem kinda good together
hmmm their actually seem kinda good together
22.How about number 5 and 8? nicholas ng , hng jia en
they look good together too hahaha x) but too bad enn's taken
23. What is number 1 studying about? nicholas lim
bisness in apit collage
they look good together too hahaha x) but too bad enn's taken
23. What is number 1 studying about? nicholas lim
bisness in apit collage
24. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
within this week
25. Is number 4 single? simone leong
she haven been single for a long time
within this week
25. Is number 4 single? simone leong
she haven been single for a long time
26. Say something about number 2. ma tzi ying
she is the sweetest girl ever who adore music and loves God
she is the sweetest girl ever who adore music and loves God
27. What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together? shaun chien , seng yee leng
they are both taken , so , no chance
they are both taken , so , no chance
28. Describe number 9. Yu Cin
29. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fights? justin wong , seng yee leng
hahahahahaha dont make my toes laugh , they'd never fight
hahahahahaha dont make my toes laugh , they'd never fight
Goodmorning spm candidated !
How's spm so far ? Goodluck !
Good Afternoon hunnay =D
i finish the tag ! And i just wanted to say , you must must must grab this month sventeen issue , its all about friendship and its really true , you can find out who's your true friend and who are not , flip the till the last page of the magazine and when your done , you'd know which friends are the one's to keep and which to avoid !
''...behind every group of girls , there will be a queen bee , when someone suggest or treatens the Queen Bee , the group may protest by making fun of her , ignoring her , and making her life miserable by spreading rumours and malicious gossip...''
''the fake pearl...she might be shiny and preety on the outside but its a different stody inside . Maybe you don't notice her conniving ways because she often apperas sweet and nice - that is , until she does'nt get her way ! This is not a true friend . Unless you enjoy being used , we suggest you hang out with your real pals instead...''
She may participate in many co-curricular activities in school because activities may be more resistant to relational aggression becasue her self-esteem is not limited to worries about social standing .Din't you notice she's been busy in co-curricular because she wants to avoid miss-understanding among friends . She'd imagine that if she spend less time with her friends , they may have less negative thinking towards her , but it turns up , the negativity extand to the maximum that now every high and low in school turns out to have a negative thinking about her.
'' Real friends do not backstab each other , and if you have been treated unfairly , be glad for the lesson learnt . ''
turning to : T.I-Whatever you like
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