Its 31 december 2007
the last day of 2007 =)
i hope no its i KNOW 2008 is gona be a GREAT year
hope everything will go well in the future
and its the start of something new
it feels so right to enter a whole new year
people with bad atituid change ur atituid so u will be lyk
people wiv relationship problems just move on with it u'll find someone great
people wiv money problems try to save more den u spend
people who are not confident bout your look forget bout it because everyone is beatiful in the inside
people wiv study problem in the nx year put more afored n study harder
and people who thinks that their not perfect enough dont be silly because nobody's perfect remember the unperfectness is what makes the person beautiful =)
its a whole new year move on
be a better person
never give up =)
To all my friends out there =)
Tomorow makes the last day of another wonderful year
thanks for being such a great friend
your support,
your advise,
and your love to me thru out the year had helped alot when i was about to drop
thanks for being there when i needed you
although we might have fight alot
but nomatter how big is it we are still great friends
we might also had a BIG fight because of relationship problems
but at last the relationship problem was slove because nomatter what
remamber together we stand apart we fall
"berat same dijunjung , ringan sama dijinjing"
thanks for everything
I'll always remember this ever lasting friendship
once again have a blessed new year
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