The Ladies
N the dude
v went walking around at pyramit 2
den v stop at a shop it was full of christmas thingi n also bears =)
luk luk luk at the ice cream im holding besar right xD
thx to edmund hu wanted to watch tiz
nice right =P
after a long n boring 2 hrs the movie finaly ended
weeeeeeeee out of here weih xD
btw saw jayhan gang thr n v watch the same movie too
after v came out edmund start singing shalalalala
i was wondering wth is he singing dat song for
den i notice every single lala pastby he wud sing it
den i thought owhx sha "lala""lala" xD
tiz song iz specially for the lala's
shalalalala,tiz song is for the lala ppl , owh owh owh , shalalalala , u guyz r reli sick xD
i noe u cant figure out which part of pyramit iz diz well the "lala" land =P
i thought a guy lyk edmund will lyk tiz tpye of lalamui bt hu noez
he doesnt
SUSHI KING was our next destination
tiz is wt v 6 ate xD
ahaha banyakkan xD
bt boleh boleh la
nt dat expansive ma
luk at our beautiful pictures x)
♥The beauty =)
Althought v study in deferent skul v still remain clost

i ♥ her loadz
jasmine =)

Along the way xD
fokus on the red magic guy
seriously he noez magic

we're bringin sexy bac YEAH!!!!
luk at those love ly ppl in the lovely skating ring cute hor xD
me n burfday babe'z from chs

owh owh nt forgeting my beautiful hair
credits to alyssa dear =)
we head to starbucks after dat and ss-ed till the end xD
candid by aly
Alyssa dear miie n edmund dear LOL
i <3>

ok seriously i luk werid =.=
The shoes n ofcurse the slipper xD
edmund ur shoes aint nice x)
my sayangs x)
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