was em great xD one of the best party i've been tiz year
acualy i sepost to go skul wiv dem at 12 wan
bt cuz my daddy gt meeting so i 3 sumthing oni go her hse
when i went in all these ppl was already chilling thr
simone jie>>>zy zy ZY!!!
zhen ying>>>wait wait gt msg
Er vyn>>>O.O
as EVRYBODY knows that DENNIS YIN is cn say the best dancer in malaysia
bt bt bt tiz gustine alwiz say he sucks
so so he say he can prove dat his better den dennis yin
so he did this
LOL amazing har O.O
Renee>>>den u all wun do wrong things meh??
Leslie>>>walao u wan go ownself go dun pull me aso xD

Jin>>>wait wait pose first

sry lollipop make ur shirt wet de xD

den offf v go to the padang
so dey agree lo den v ka le fe stand aside
so v stared again v took the half court xD bt when the ball come dat time damn messy wieh
leslie er vyn gustine zy me pat n jin
sadly erm acualy i dunno hu win aso
v run all the way bac ofcurse wiv the help of zy shouting everybody at the hse noe v r ariving xD
den v though of playing truth or dare
v played unde the rain

zy>>>eh u guyz tak creatif la y dare dat time alwiz hug hug neee
john>>>den u think la
evryone else>>>O.O clothes lol

zy>>>eh eh i think v very creatif le play under the rain
pat>>>everyone pose for the camera

mana ku dan see yee owh behind the umbrella XD

zy was erm cold???

the second justine timberlike "im bringin sexy bac" YEAH xD

Say chese burfday girl the second qing xian walk in the room he was lyk " wah such a small room so many ppl sqeeze Meh" so no manor weih

pat n bryan

emmm emmmm ppl out thr all tiz stuff only sick guyz do it

under 18 is off limits xD
emmm POOH???credits to zy hu painted john's nails LOL
n n n aso the guy hu haven appear in any picyure yet
the one n only lavynnia cutest bro LIONNEL LOW lmoa
cute hor LOL
after when lollipop was opening presents eerybody was lyk emm
*SINGING* espeacially jayhan hu sang the most
the mess of wei minn ofcurse
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
since skwul is re-opening
so i went back to dye my hair T_T
bt i dint dye it black la
its lyk such a watse of money n my natural hair colour
so i dye dark brown =)
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