btw last whole week i went to CKK TEENS CAMP
it was reli reli fun
i get to noe more frenz thr
n who noe dat my church teens was so HOLY
bt every single moment i was thr even when i was asleep
i can feel the distand of me n GOD
it was so clost ^^
i reli love dat feling
i am sure i will go to the camp again nx year
it isnt just about having fun n staff
itz aso cuz it was at genting the area was so peacefull n quite
at lease u get to chill or calm down once in a while xD
newayz , v stayed in dorm's
i went to the smaller room so v cn hav more privacy
n guess werd my dormmates r CRAZY xD
luv dem so freaking much
the first night
v went thr v were tokin bout britney her gimme more song
so dianne [one of our dorm mate] she started dancing lyk britney
imagining everything as a pole n stared pole dancing xP
reli miss dat moment from dat time onwords
everything in my dorm is about gimme more
once v went in the room "gimme more" early in the morning wake up call "gimme more"
breakfast lunch dinner "gimme more" bathing "gimme more"
every moment aso gt gimme more song reli reli missing it
introducing *drum rolls*
first day-
once v sattle everything in our dorm v went downstairs n started the program wiv ice breaking*note itz an intro which u get to noe ppl*
n i was put in a group name "can u feel the love tonight"
my group was the best n most awesome group in da camp
so i was reli proud xD
thrz sumthing funny in thr
xD funny right
den v hav session 1 which iz "Where Does Love Begin"
tiz camp iz a love teens camp so most of the things here r about love
after dat v hav games
the games was reli interesting
alhough my team alwiz oni manage to get in semi bt v r still happy
thr'z one game which v make a train n the first person must grab the other group last person tail
so v chase around the hall
den suddenly the other group feel down
a girl was injuird thr was so much blood on the floor
n the injury was near her eyes
i thought her eyes pop out or sumthing xD
bt it was just a small injury
so thank GOD she wasn't badly hurt ^^
v hav dinner den den session two after dat...
day 2-
early morning today v had mass
so v must dress propely n wake up early for mass
it was the first time i ever listen in mass
i dont reli noe y bt maybe iz cuz i feel dat the holy spirit was near me
den later in the after noon v went JUNGLE TREAKKING
be4 v even reach the jungle v were already so tired xD
the juggle was lyk reli scary i tak tau la cuz first time ma
it was full wiv mud n liches
at lease my group mambers help me orelse i already jatuh into the mud
thx so much guyz ^^
after lyk 45 minuts
v reach the waterfall
the water was cool n everyone of us hav fun
acept for when the guyz started strepping their top la xD
other times v had fun splashing water around swimming listen to "gimme more' XD
after chilling at the waterfall for a while it was getting late
so v went all the way bac the banglo *so tired*
den on the same night v invited the holy spirit into the house
the fecilators ask us to write ppl hu u cant forgive in a piece of paper n burn it
after u burt it u must forgive those ppl
i wrote 4 names 3 guyz n 1 gal
i was so sad n also was the last one hu went out cuz i cant forgive these ppl
especially the gal hu i treated as my best fren n she betrayed me
i cried my heart out bt i still burt it at last
i am still trying to forgive dem especially her
trying so hard..............
day 3-
uhhh today was reli........
the whole day they were toking bout love n sex
the whole 3 session was about love n sex
so i dun reli wanna say it out loud here xD
after dinner v had praise n worship it was reli hoy
i can see everyone soft heart during this session
it was quite emotional aso
bt every night when dey had praise n worship i feel that as if i was flying
nth is stopping me
i love dat feeling bt i daont think i can find it at KL
so im definitely going bac nx year xD
dat night i aso went for confession
it was since 3 years since i went
so now im clean ^^
i was reli emotional when i came out of the caple
finaly i told all the problems i had to someone
n all my sins was wash away
ahhhhh~~~leganya kuu
dat night everyone went to bed at 2 a.m.
4th day aka last day of camp T-T -
rise n shine at 7 a.m. den v had mass again
v watch a movie bout mother teresa for lyk 2 hrs
den it was gardian angel time
u c on the first day of camp v will recive a name n u r that persons gardian angel
den u must write letters n put it into dat persons envalope
my envolape nice right xD
n the person i got was a fren of mine
so i wrote to him "boo u noe hu i am xD"
den he read it out loud xD
i was lyk damn imberest weih damn malu wan go out
bt my gardian angel
she was damn gud i love her so damn much
she gave me a letter everyday be4 she went to bed n she also gave me a jay chou poster
OMG weeeeeeeeeeeee so happie xD
den v pack up
n apa lagi ofcurse ss la xD

den v went bac home masing masing
reli hav fun during the camp i nvr regret a second i was thr
love u guyz all the alter boyz all dorm mates all fasilater xD
hope to c u guyz soon at church ^^
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